A Dose of PositiviTEA — Tea Blending RSS


sparkling tea with blueberry lemongrass tea 🌿 🌿 🌿 Kick your soda habit and replace it with this sparkling tea recipe! It’s easy to prepare, tastes great, has loads of health benefits, and isn't filled with sugar and artificial flavors. Sparkling tea is made with simple ingredients: sparkling mineral water and your favorite tea. In this recipe, we used our Blueberry Lemongrass tea, but you can use any tea you want! You control the amount of sweetener you use, if you use any at all! Adding a little honey is a great alternative to using sugar or other sweeteners because of its natural health benefits. HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED FROM US TO GET STARTED ⬇⬇⬇ Blueberry & Lemongrass Wildflower Honey INGREDIENTS (makes 2 servings) 2 Tall iced...

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LiberTEA 🇺🇸

American Wildflower 🌿 Our Very Own Liberty Tea 🌿 Some American history brought to you by the baddest b*tches from 1776 The Daughters of Liberty were a group of women that formed in the North American British colonies in the early days of the American Revolution. These women were very influential in the success of American independence, because they single handily cut off heavily taxed supplies from the British, which made British controlled companies suffer serious debt. Basically, the British told them "you need us" and the women said "screw you" and went and did their own thing. They learned that they had enormous power when they realized they could make their their own supplies, including their own tea, which became...

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JULY 2022 Happy July friends! How was your June? Did you make it through the heat wave that June ended in? I surely hope so - there were a lot of hot days last month. If that continues, though, our tea of the month for July is the perfect thing to cool off with in the heat of the day! We have other great products of the month in addition to the tea of the month. Check them out below! 👇 Tea Blend of the Month: Summerville Sweet Tea & Lemongrass SUMMERVILLE SWEET TEA & LEMONGRASS is blended with black tea, oolong tea, spearmint, lemon, calendula petals, lemongrass, and natural flavors. This blend takes a spin on a classic southern sweet tea and...

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Tea Club Members get 15% off in store and online all the time. Here are the blends we included in the shipment: ☀️ ⛱ 💦 Enchanted Lavender Earl Grey & Vanilla Rooibos This blend takes a spin on a classic afternoon tea, often served at tea parties! Earl Grey just became even more lovable, as lavender flowers, orange peels, and vanilla add a bold citrus-floral element to this timeless and tasteful tea. This blend protects the heart, reduces inflammation, and soothes anxiety. Lemongrass & Chamomile This light and sunshiney herbal blend soothes the mind and body, as both of the ingredients used in this blend are found in many gardens! Chamomile is comforting with earthy honey and apple notes, as lemongrass...

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🌿 Yerba Maté 🌿 The health drink of the summer. Need an energy boost? Yerba Maté is a shrub from South America and is stimulating for the body and mind. It provides nutrients to the brain and contains pantothenic acid, which stimulates metabolism and helps the body convert food into energy. Pantothenic acid also regulates hormone production and stimulates the adrenal system! Yerba Maté tastes earthy, grassy and bright. Because of its delicate nature, Yerba Maté can't be steeped in boiling water because it can actually burn the leaves which results in a bitter or ashy taste. READ MORE ON HOW TO BREW YERBA MATÉ THIS SUMMER ⬇︎ Add 1-2 teaspoons of tea in 8 oz of hot water for 3-5 minutes....

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