LiberTEA 🇺🇸

American Wildflower

🌿 Our Very Own Liberty Tea 🌿

Some American history brought to you by the baddest b*tches from 1776

The Daughters of Liberty were a group of women that formed in the North American British colonies in the early days of the American Revolution. These women were very influential in the success of American independence, because they single handily cut off heavily taxed supplies from the British, which made British controlled companies suffer serious debt. Basically, the British told them "you need us" and the women said "screw you" and went and did their own thing. They learned that they had enormous power when they realized they could make their their own supplies, including their own tea, which became known as Liberty Tea. Their efforts symbolize resilience, tact, independence, and the freedoms we enjoy today.

So What Is Liberty Tea?

Everyone knows about the tea situation that happened at the Boston Harbor, and if you don't, basically the people threw the imported tea into the water and said something like "no taxation without representation, as*holes." With imported tea being boycotted, the Daughters of Liberty foraged in their own gardens and orchards for fruits and herbs to be used in a "colonial style" tea. The caffeine-free herbal tea consisted of peppermint leaf, rosehips, spearmint leaf, organic lemongrass, lemon balm, and raspberry leaf. And to this day, we still drink this tea and we carry a tea blend inspired by it. ⬇️

American Wildflower

OBTC'S very own Liberty Tea is our beloved American Wildflower. This herbal blend is refreshing and comforting, made with mint, lemongrass, rooibos and chamomile! Drink during the day to soothe the body and mind or before bed to promote restful sleep.


1 - 2 teaspoons in 8 oz of hot water for 5 - 10 minutes.


Peppermint & Guayusa

Peppermint & Lemongrass

Lavenderberry White & Peppermint

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