A Dose of PositiviTEA — Green Teas RSS


🌿 The Science of Tea's Mood Altering Magic The need for tea is growing. For thousands of years, people from all walks of life, all over the world, have consumed tea for its relaxing and soothing qualities. In modern times, scientists are digging deeper to find out why tea has this affect on our mental health, as there is a growing need to find more ways to tackle anxiety, depression, and age-related cognitive decline. What if tea could be an answer? The Secret Super Power of Tea L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves and certain types of mushrooms. Theanine is responsible for slowing the “speedy” energizing effect that caffeine has. This explains the difference in how caffeine...

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Sunflower Honey sweet like summertime & perfect for vibrant iced teas 🌻🌻🌻 Sunflower Honey floral ∙ toasted ∙ plum undertones ∙ mellow Our honey is raw & unfiltered, just the way the bees make it! Did you know? Honey varietals vary based on where a hive is placed. Our sunflower honey is made from bees near an abundance of sunflowers. Can you imagine a more dreamy summertime setting than a sunflower field being pollInated by happy little honeybees? The plant that the honey bee pollInates from impacts the color, the consistency, and the flavor of the honey. This honey is light and mellow and pairs beautifully with fruit-forward and floral iced tea blends. And how cute are these?! ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ Olive...

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Trust us, you need this. Meet our favorite iced tea brew tool... 🌺 🌺 🌺 Iced Tea Pitcher • Fine Mesh Infuser • • Drip Cup For Infuser • • Leak Proof Lid • • BPA Free • • Dishwasher Safe • This is our absolute favorite way to make iced tea! The infuser in this pitcher is large enough that tea leaves can fully unfurl, but has a fine enough mesh that no leaves will leak into your brew. The lid for this pitcher is leak proof, which is great for traveling in the passenger seat of the car or fitting sideways in the fridge.  The more you brew, the more you drink... and this pitcher brews 2 full quarts of...

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OBTC Teas Found In: Belizean Sorrel Guayusa & Strawberry Mojito In traditional Chinese medicine, Schisandra is considered beneficial to qi, the life force or energy inherent in all living things. It's thought to have a positive impact on several pathways in the body, including the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Schisandra is used as an "adaptogen" for increasing resistance to disease and stress, increasing energy, and increasing physical performance and endurance.  Schisandra berries provide powerful antioxidant protection, particularly from free radicals and other toxins in the environment that may cause cellular damage. It has been found that Schisandra reduces cortisol levels in the body (the stress hormone) and is effective in controlling changes in serotonin and adrenaline caused by stress. This...

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HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 🌸🌸🌸 the best life lessons our moms ever taught us mom (noun): The one who loves you unconditionally from your first heartbeat to her last breath. The one who knows how to make you feel better when you are having a bad day. The one who will always be on your side. The one you can't live without. (See also: 'hero', 'superwoman', 'badass female') 🌸 What Our Moms Taught Us 🌸 💐 “No dejes que se te cierre el mundo.” My mom has always told me this. It translates to “Don’t let the world shut on you.” It means you always have options and you should never feel stuck. I’m super grateful to have learned so much...

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