A Dose of PositiviTEA — Self Care RSS


Spring Tea Club ✨ ships tomorrow ✨ P.S. YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO SIGN UP! Hello Spring! 🌼 💧 🌞 Spring Tea Club ships out tomorrow and will arrive just in time for the official first day of spring. When we curated this shipment, we wanted to capture the happy and healthy energy of the spring season. The spring shipment is intended to boost your mental and physical energy so you can dive into the season with an eagerness to play and get stuff done! We cannot wait to share our favorite spring blends with all of you. ⬇︎ What is Tea Club? 6 of our favorite blends for the season shipped to your door. Shipment dates: 12.15 ❄️ 3.15 🌱 6.15 ☀️ 9.15 🍂 No big...

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Happiness comes from within you, not from your outside circumstances. This month we are focusing on nourishing neurological health and finding the happy even when stuck in a storm cloud. 🌧️ Many people think that to be truly happy, you have to attain certain goals like being financially successful, having a dream partner, going on a exciting vacations, or even having a perfectly clean home. While none of this hurts, you don't need the perfect life to feel a whole lot of happy. Happiness is something you create (it's already in you). Set 10 minutes aside to sit down and journal it out. ⬇ 1. Define your happy. Often times, we convince ourselves that we need certain things to feel happy,...

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Uplift & Refresh Spring is right around the corner, and that fresh, warm season always inspires cleanliness and that feeling of wanting to start anew. Incorporating essential oils into your life is one of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of natural healing and to bring nature indoors! Use some uplifting oils this spring to make your own custom essential oil blend, natural perfumes, room sprays, earth-friendly cleaning products, or even for wholesome skin care products! Citrus Oils for Cleanliness & Mood Boosting Use these essential oils to welcome spring! These are especially useful for your spring cleaning projects and to promote feelings of playfulness and cheer. 🌸 Lemon Essential Oil Add Lemon Essential Oil to spray bottles with...

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MARCH INTENTIONS: boosting moods & finding your happy March is here and spring is right around the corner! This month we are focusing on nourishing our neurological health, finding our happy, and cutting out the things that over consume us. In our overstimulated world, more and more people are dealing with anxiety and depression. That's why this month we will explore the value of seeking happiness from within and talk about ways to strengthen your neurological health. Spring is just the right time to start anew, so make a cup of your favorite tea and check out our tips! ⬇︎ Create joyful challenges for yourself. It can be easy to ignore the things you want to accomplish, especially when scrolling...

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Start the week right. 🌿 stretch & refresh 🌿 Did you know that stretching your body can release endorphins and help improve your mood? Endorphins are part of your body's natural reward system — this is why we often stretch without even thinking about it after waking up in the morning or before we go to bed. Taking some time to stretch is a great way to show yourself some love! Listen to your body, get bendy, and nourish your connection to yourself. ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ Stretch your back and neck at work today. It's easy to start slouching at work, especially if you're looking at a computer screen for long stretches of time. Even if your job requires you to be up...

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