July Intentions: socialize in the sunshine & nourish your community It is officially summertime and that means it is peak season to get outside, be social, and nourish your community around you! Did you know that being social can sharpen memory and cognitive skills, lower your risk of dementia, increase your sense of happiness and well-being, and may even help you live longer? 🤯 Here are a few ways to get social this month. ⬇︎ Build it into your routine. It is easy to feel like there just isn't enough time in your day to go hang out with friends, go out to lunch or even text back that person that you always leave hanging. That's because you don't view...
The happier you are, the more successful you will be. This month we are focusing on getting outside, moving our bodies, and refining our productivity. The Happiness Advantage is a physiological theory developed by Shawn Achor that draws a connection between personal happiness and professional success. When we are happy, we do our best work in all areas of life like parenting, being creative, and doing well at your job. So how do you dictate your own happiness so that you can be your best self? Here's some journal prompts to get you thinking ⬇ Reframe your negative experiences. In his book, Achor explains that people experience happiness based on how they perceive their daily experiences. He says, "Happiness is...
June Intentions: natural movement + choosing healthy As the summer sets in, we are more inclined to spend some time outdoors, reflect on the health of our bodies, and participate in fun activities. This month we are focusing on growing out of sedentary habits and growing in to moving our bodies naturally. Did you know that sitting for prolonged periods of time can actually be harmful to your health? Incorporating simple natural movement can increase your lifespan and make you a more happy person overall. Here are a few ways to get moving this month. ⬇︎ Going back to the basics When we think of physical exercise we think of running on the treadmill, attending a yoga class, or maybe...
Forest Bathing: how to do it + the science behind it. 🌱🌲🌿 It's all in the ions. Planting your bare feet on the Earth (also called "grounding" or "earthing") allows you to absorb negative electrons and neutralize your body's charge. This process can neutralize oxidants or free radicals and is SO good for your health. You can also get a dose of negative ions by forest bathing. Forest bathing is a great way to connect to Mother Earth and feel at ease. Read how to do it below. ⬇ Here's how to forest bathe: Pick a destination. The places with the best saturation of negative ions are near water or densely forested areas. You can utilize a nearby park, pond,...
May Intentions: connecting with nature You know spring has officially arrived when the quietness of winter is replaced by the chattering of birds! Spring is the season of change and it gives us the perfect opportunity to reconnect with nature after staying indoors all winter. Simply being in nature is the oldest remedy in the book when it comes to healing, restoring, and embracing change, and that's why this month we are focusing on just that! Here are a few ways to get in touch with nature this May. ⬇︎ Invite nature inside so you can get a dose of good vibes. Nature is rich in negative ions and have been proven to positively affect air quality and the physical...