A Dose of PositiviTEA — Oolong Tea RSS


Oolong: The Black Dragon Tea antioxidant rich ∙ boosts energy ∙ promotes digestion Oolong tea can be traced all the way back to the peak of the Qing Dynasty in China. The name "oolong" translates to "Black Dragon" in English, after the tea leaves' distinctive tiny dragon shape after being processed and rolled. Oolong grows mainly in China’s Fujian province, where the biodiversity is considered the ideal place to grow a very special tea. The rocky, mineral-rich soil and perfect levels of heat and humidity maintain a perfect growing climate that you can't find in many other places in the world. 🖤 HOW OOLONG IS MADE 🖤 Most teas come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, and the main difference between...

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Ginger Orchard Medley & Lavender Sage Lemonade vibrant ginger ∙ floral undertones ∙ zesty citrus ⭐️ GINGER + LEMON = MAGIC ⭐️ One of the most perfect duos for the heat of July! Ginger Orchard Medley & Lavender Sage Lemonade, our tea blend of the month, is an invigorating refresher! The ginger, chamomile, and apple in the Ginger Orchard Medley brings sweet, soft, and slightly spicy elements to the blend, while zesty citrus and vibrant herbs shine through the Lavender Sage Lemonade. Think of this blend as an elevated lemonade, with garden herbs and flowers, and a touch of caffeine! ⚡️ THE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION ⚡️ Did you know that your gut health can affect your brain health? Many studies show that stomach issues,...

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GINGER: One of the first spices traded on the Silk Road soothes nausea ∙ boosts digestion ∙ promotes metabolism Chinese have grown and used ginger as both a medicine and food dating back all the way to the Confucius time period. Ginger's value holds strong to this day, as it was one of the first roots traded on the Silk Road, a network of trade routes connecting the East and West. The Silk Road was the bridge of economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions between these regions from the 2nd century BCE to the 18th century. A MEDICINE AND FOOD   As ginger found its way around the world, everyone knew one thing for sure about it - it is food...

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JULY 2021 Happy July friends! I hope you've had a great start to your summer, filled with lots of delicious iced teas, soaking up rays of sunshine, traveling, and enjoying time with friends and family. We have some great products we're enjoying this month - some amazing blends! Check them out below! 👇 Tea Blend of the Month: Ginger Orchard Medley & Lavender Sage Lemonade GINGER ORCHARD MEDLEY & LAVENDER SAGE LEMONADE is blended with oolong tea, chamomile, apples pieces, peaches, lemon myrtle, ginger, lemongrass, lemon peels, sage, lavender, rose hips, licorice root, marigold flowers, and natural flavors. This garden-inspired blend is invigoratingly herbaceous, spicy with ginger, and comforting with chamomile and peach! It is a complex blend that will help...

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IMMIGRANT HERITAGE MONTH: Celebrating Tea Traditions Brought To America From Around The World June is Immigrant Heritage Month in the United States, and we love this month because our Old Barrel team is made up of people from all different walks of life from all different types of cultures! Celebrating culture and diversity is the very thing that inspires many of our tea blends, spices, and other products, and we think its pretty cool to fuse flavors in that special way. Immigrant Heritage Month is an initiative that seeks to celebrate our shared heritage as an immigrant nation, and the important contributions to our economy, culture, and common identity by immigrants from all around the world. To celebrate the beautiful...

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