A Dose of PositiviTEA — Gardening RSS


s∙a∙g∙e  🌿 a wisdom welcoming herb 🌿 HERE'S THE SCOOP: The scientific name for sage is Salvia, which comes from the Latin word Salveo, “to heal” or “to save.” Sage belongs to the mint family, alongside other herbs like rosemary, oregano, basil, and thyme. The Romans regarded sage as a holy herb and used it to clean their teeth because of its antibacterial properties! According to traditional Celtic lore, sage symbolizes wisdom, as they believed eating it improved memory and opened the mind. SHOP OUR FAVORITE SAGE PRODUCTS! Lavender Sage Lemonade Clary Sage Essential Oil Bouquet Garni Lavender Sage Lemonade Tea Soap HEALING PROPERTIES OF SAGE Sage is loaded with antioxidants that are linked to several health benefits, including improved brain...

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OCTOBER INTENTIONS: INDULGE YOUR IMAGINATION & CREATIVITY BY ESTABLISHING SACRED RITUALS Happy October, tea lovers! The air is getting chilly, leaves are displaying their vibrant orange and red hues, and a growing anticipation for the holiday season looms in the air. It is the perfect time to connect with nature as it goes through a transitional phase, spend time with family doing fall activities, and most importantly, take time to get in touch with yourself. October is a rather mystical month and carries a tone of fantasy and creativity as it is; and that is why this month we are focusing on empowering and inspiring our creativity, intuition, and imagination through establishing sacred rituals in our lives. While outside sources...

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SMART HYDROPLANTER Grow from seed, transplant or clippings and eat your home grown food all year long. If you have ever visited one of stores you probably have encountered something that looks like this...  🌱 This is called an aquaponics system and we have one in each of our stores! Various plants live in the barrel planter that is filled with clay balls that act as a soil alternative. Families of goldfish live in the tank below, and yes we name them. Water from the fish tank is pumped into the barrel ,and as the plants filter out the poopoo water, they absorb the nutrients from the waste, while also keeping the water clean for the fish. We love our...

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SWEET SUMMERTIME the inspiration behind the summer tea club 🥥🍋🥥 The official first day of summer is fast approaching, and that means it is almost time for our summer tea club to ship out! This summer is a special one because after a hard year and a half, we are healing, reflecting on our growth, and getting excited for a season full of playfulness, adventure, and human connection. The Summer Tea Club mirrors what the world is going through right now, in a way. Some ingredients will take you back to childhood and inspire you to reflect on the simpler times, while other new ingredients introduce a sense of wonder and joy - much like the future we look forward...

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GARDENING + MEDITATION = BLISS 🌿 learn how to make your own meditation garden 🌿 Meditation gardens are intimate spaces created for unwinding and reflecting away from the noise and clutter of daily routines. Meditation is a deeply personal experience, so designing an ideal space for relaxation will be based on what you want to feel in your special space! When spending time in your mediTation garden, you typically want to take in nature through your senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and even taste. By opening our senses, it allows us to get in touch with ourselves and with nature. Here's How To Do It ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ a healthy mind starts with a healthy body When you grow...

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