A Dose of PositiviTEA — Green Teas RSS


✨ SHINING THE SPOTLIGHT ✨ Nicole's Favorites + Tips and Tricks 🌿 🌿 🌿 This month we are shining the spotlight on Nicole, one of the leaders of our Cloudcroft location! Living a health-centered lifestyle comes second nature to Nicole. For almost 2 years Nicole has educated many people about the health benefits of tea in the cool mountains of Cloudcroft, NM. Nicole is beautifully organized and systematic in her work, so her little tea shop is tidy and inviting!  Just imagine what the storage room looks like! Nicole is also completely down to earth, kind, honest, and giving. Nicole's leadership, efficiency, and organization helps us feel more satisfied and successful during the workday. We chose to highlight Nicole because our...

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🌵 Prickly Pear Tea 🌵 fruit-forward ∙ sweet melon ∙ delicate tanginess INGREDIENTS: green rooibos, sencha green tea, hibiscus, pear pieces, safflower, and natural flavors BREW TIPS: This blend is lovely iced with a spoonful of honey! Add 1 - 2 teaspoons in 8 oz of hot water for 5 minutes. About Prickly Pear This blend is naturally sweet with a melon-like flavor and delicate tanginess! It is rich in antioxidants and will help the body resist oxidative damage, and support resistance to disease and premature aging. MORE REFRESHING LOW-CAFFEINE TEAS: Lavenderberry White Mango Paradise Wild Strawberry

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S ∙ A ∙ F ∙ F ∙ L ∙ O ∙ W ∙ E ∙ R the heart healthy flower ⚘⚘⚘ Safflower is an herbaceous little crop that thrives in hot dry climates, and it is believed to have been domesticated somewhere in the Fertile Crescent, also called the "cradle of civilization," about 4,000 years ago. The Fertile Crescent is found in the Middle East in a region where the soil is rich and the water is abundant. The region's natural riches led to an exchange of culture and ideas and soon enough, Safflower made its way through the world. READ MORE ON THE HEART HEALTHY PROPERTIES OF SAFFLOWER ⬇ ☀️ Safflower, commonly mistaken for saffron, has a rich...

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H ∙ I ∙ B ∙ I ∙ S ∙ C ∙ U ∙ S lowers blood pressure ∙ antioxidant rich ∙ boosts liver health 🌺 🌺 🌺 Hibiscus holds great symbolism across many cultures. It symbolizes powerful femininity, passion, friendship, sincerity, and the delicate nature of life. The flower only blooms a full day before closing, and then eventually falling off the plant. The flowers remind us just how precious life is, and to seize moments and opportunities, as they may not come again.  READ MORE ON THE HEALTH PROPERTIES OF HIBISCUS ⬇ ✨ We love the bright, acidic, and juicy elements of hibiscus - this is why this gorgeously pink flower is found in many of our blends! It's easy to...

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1 - 2 teaspoons in 8 oz of hot water for 5 - 10 minutes HERBAL TISANES: a history and guide to tisanes 🍃 🍃 🍃 Tisanes are often referred to as herbal teas, but tisanes actually don't contain any tea leaves at all! The word "tisane" is derived from the Greek term, ptisanē. That word is used to describe a medicinal drink. Tisanes are made of things like herbs, flowers, spices, and fruit pieces, and humans have used these ingredients to make herbal teas since the dawn of time.  The earliest record of the use of tisanes takes place during the third century AD. Writings about tisanes were recorded by Hua T’o, a Chinese physician known for creating some of the...

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