A Dose of PositiviTEA RSS


HONEY, CITRUS, FETA AND… B E E T S OUR RECIPE 1. Melt a heaping spoonful of MESQUITE HONEY, 2 Tbsp of coconut oil, 2 Tbsp of citrus juice (we used clementines) in a pan with 1 Tsp of DRIED GINGER.2. Toss cooked beets in the sauce pan with salt and pepper.3. Top with walnuts and feta cheese - we love the feta from NOISY WATER WINERY!​ Are you participating in the honey challenge? This recipe is a great way to get your daily spoonful of raw honey! Raw and unfiltered honey boosts immunity, reduces risk of disease, and boosts overall wellness.​If you're a fan of sweet and salty combos, you'll love this vibrant dish! It is wonderful served alone or as a beet bruschetta on a...

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TIPS FOR A LOVELY SATURDAY: I N T E N T I O N START THE DAY WITH INTENTION   Ask yourself this question: What do you want to feel like today and how will you get there?  Write it down and try to focus on a feeling, then list the activities that will help you have a day of your design. We often wake up and dive right into response mode: things happen and we are forced to respond. This can make it feel like our days are not in our control - like someone or some circumstance is choosing for us how we will live today. If you know what you wish to use your day for before anyone or anything has...

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S U N S H I N E kind of tea

FRONT PORCH TEA: Summerville Sweet Tea   INGREDIENTS: black tea, oolong tea, spearmint, lemon, marigold, and natural flavors SERVE IT LIKE THIS: Sweeten with a spoonful of mesquite honey and serve over ice! WHY WE LOVE IT: Summerville Sweet Tea is a wonderful iced tea blend! It is refreshing and sweet with spearmint, bright with citrus, and beautifully earthy with oolong and black tea. These days, we're finding it incredibly important to focus our minds on simple pleasures: afternoon iced tea in the garden or on the front porch is a ritual that brings us both energy and peace simultaneously.  Oolong and black tea are made from the Camellia sinensis plant, so they have that magic combination of compounds that both stimulates...

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OUR MINDS ARE BLOWN... HOW HONEY COMBATS CANCER...   AP·OP·TO·SISApoptosis is cellular death which is necessary for an organism's growth. What happens when apoptosis does not occur? Cells proliferate unnaturally and unhealthily, forming a tumor. Cancer treatments are geared towards inducing apoptosis of cancerous cells.  Recent studies have shown that honey causes apoptosis in various types of cancer... Wow. INfLAMMATIONChronic inflammation is linked to cancer growth. Phenolic compounds in honey express an anti-inflammatory response in the body. Inflammation is actually the root cause of many common ailments, including many of our daily aches and pains!IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITYA strong immune system is crucial for disease prevention. While cancer cells regularly occur in the body and are handled by the immune system on a daily basis, a weakened immune system could result...

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SPRING IS FOR GROWING  GROW A HONEY BEE HABITAT PLANT A BEE FRIENDLY GARDEN WITH THIS KIT! WHAT IS IN THE EGG CARTON?Open Pollinated Wildflower Seeds, Starter Soil, Growing Instructions, Bee Gardening Booklet & 100% Recycled Fiber Egg Carton PlanterWHAT SEEDS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS MIX?Basil, Blanketflower, California Poppy, Cape Forget-Me-Not, China Aster, Chinese Forget-Me-Not, Corn Poppy, Dwarf Sulfer Cosmos, Lacy Phacelia, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Lavender Hyssop, New England Aster, Prairie Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Rockcress, Scarlet Cinquefoil, Siberian Wallflower, Slender Mountain Mint, Sweet MigonetteIT'S FOR THE BEESThis colorful collection of perennial and annual wildflowers will provide nectar and pollen throughout the growing season.BEES WILL SHOW THEIR APPRECIATION FOR YOUR TRIBUTE BY VISITING OFTEN!

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