A Dose of PositiviTEA RSS


APRIL'S TEA OF THE MONTH: WHITE PEACH & HONEYSUCKLE BLOSSOM OOLONG HONEYSUCKLE BLOSSOM OOLONGoolong, honeysuckle buds, lemongrass, apples, marigold flowers, and natural flavors​WHITE PEACHwhite tea, dried peach pieces, marigold flowers, and natural flavors SERVE IT LIKE THIS:Serve iced, either unsweetened or with a small spoonful of honey!​WHY IS THIS BLEND OUR TEA OF THE MONTH?This blend captures the spirit of spring well. It is the type of tea you want to drink in the garden on a sunshiny afternoon or bring along for a hike! It is just so hydrating and refreshing! This combo is floral with bright peachy notes and a hint of lemongrass tanginess. Happy Tea Time!

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GROW YOUR OWN SALSA GARDEN WE KNOW IT'S FAR OUT… BUT YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY ORDER IN TIME FOR CINCO DE MAYO!​WHAT IS IN THE RECYCLED EGG CARTON?The Salsa Grow Garden consists of everything you need to start Roma Tomatoes, Jalapeños, Cilantro, Verde Tomatillos, Scallions, and Beefsteak Tomatoes CINCO DE MAYO PLANS IN THE MAKINGCinco De Mayo is a fun time to be in New Mexico. As many of you know, we'll take any excuse to cook up a bunch of delicious Mexican Food, make iced HORCHATA TEA for the family, and craft a herbaceous margarita. We know it's not really celebrated in Mexico, but in New Mexico it is a time to eat great food, play in the sunshine, and enjoy time with your...

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NOT JUST PRETTY BUT POWERFUL, TOO. JUST LIKE YOU - FLOWERS ARE MAGICFlowers add so much color and beauty to our blends, but they're aren't there just because they're pretty: flowers have many wellness boosting benefits to offer. ​Here are a few of our favorites to blend with: MARIGOLDMarigold is anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. It is said to have a soothing effect on the digestive tract and may help to combat an upset stomach. It is also popular for alleviating hormonal symptoms associated menopause and PMS, as it is useful for regulating hormonal imbalance. Marigold flowers are the little yellow flowers you see in many of our blends. BLUE CORNFLOWERBlue Cornflowers are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Blue Cornflowers are commonly used to provide relief from menstrual cramps, to boost...

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HAPPY EARTH DAY! THIS YEAR'S THEME IS: CLIMATE STABILITY WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP?A lot actually! You can use energy wisely by doing all of the following: unplugging electronics when you aren't using them installing a programmable thermostat using energy efficient light bulbs implementing strategies to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer with out heat or air conditioning. This can include strategies like opening windows in the early morning to let cool air in and closing window coverings during the day to block out sun and lower the indoor temperature.  You can also reduce your impact by using cold water for laundry and either hang-drying clothes or using wool dryer balls to reduce drying time. WOOL DRYER BALLS We recommend...

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TUESDAY NIGHT TEA COCKTAIL FEATURING: G I N G E R The Ginger Toddy IT'S PRETTY SIMPLE...1. Steep GINGER TEA with a generous spoonful of AVOCADO HONEY.2. Add fresh squeezed lemon and a shot of your favorite whiskey- we used 291 Barrel Proof Bourbon Whiskey from DISTILLERY 291​.3. Garnish with a lemon wheel and fresh ginger or herbs from your garden. WHY WE LOVE THIS COMBOThe Hot Toddy is the most classic of tea cocktails and this one is extra bright and spicy!  The AVOCADO HONEY compliments the combination of GINGER​ and whiskey perfectly as it rounds out the flavor with sweetness while adding complexity with its earthy and vegetal undertones. Happy Tuesday! We hope you are winding down with the type of conversations that leave you feeling...

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