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Trust us, the juice is worth the squeeze 🍋 Prickly Pear Lemonade INGREDIENTS: dried lemongrass, green rooibos, sencha green tea, hibiscus, pear, safflower, and natural flavor TASTING NOTES: subtle citrus ∙ sweet melon ∙ delicate tanginess DRINK TO: 🌱 GET VITAMIN C🌱 COMBAT FREE RADICALS🌱 REDUCE INFLAMMATION🌱 BOOST BRAIN HEALTH🌱 HYDRATE MAKE IT A LEMONADE: 1. Steep a full pitcher of Lemongrass and Prickly Pear tea. 2. Use your honey dipper to add a generous amount of honey (to taste). 3. Squeeze and drop 3 - 5 lemons into your pitcher. 4. Allow to chill and serve iced with a lemon wedge. IT IS SO REFRESHING.

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V∙I∙T∙A∙M∙I∙N → C ← Vitamin C does more than boost immunity - it makes EVERYTHING better! Check out the benefits… 1. Collagen Production: Vitamin C helps us produce collagen, the component that makes healthy fibrous tissue (such as muscles, bones, and skin). Collagen is widely marketed as a product to prolong the youthful appearance of skin, but it affects so much more than the way we look! Collagen affects everything from the gut to the eyes and keeps all our fibrous tissue strong and healthy. 2. Protects Cells from Free-Radical Damage: Vitamin C is an antioxidant, and can regenerate antioxidants in the body. This protects from oxidation and stress that cause premature aging and disease. Studies are showing that high doses...

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ENERGIZE BODY & MIND Peppermint & Guayusa TASTING NOTES: earthy ∙ minty ∙ grassy DRINK TO: boost energy stimulate mental alertness and mood stimulate digestion and metabolism soothe headaches get antioxidants WORK OUT / WORK BUDDY This tea is refreshing and energizing for the body and mind! Guayusa is the slightly more caffeinated relative of Yerba Mate. We love Guayusa because of its bold earthiness and how forgiving it is of high steep temperatures (Matés can become astringent and ashy when steeped in water that is too hot, whereas Guayusa is a little more resilient). The combination of Guayusa and Peppermint promotes physical and mental energy, as well as healthy digestion and metabolism!

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BACK TO SCHOOL? GET A BRAIN BOOST Our essential oil combination of the month is the dream team for gearing up for back to school! Recent research is showing that Peppermint can give you a mental boost, while Lemongrass promotes relaxation. READ MORE ⬇︎ Peppermint Essential Oil Studies are showing that Peppermint Essential Oil can help improve memory, reasoning, concept formation, attention span, and problem solving. How? There is a correlation between peppermint and LTP, the mechanism that strengthens and prolongs the duration of signals between neurons in the hippocampus. Researchers are now looking at uses for Peppermint Essential Oil for the treatment of Alzheimer's after observing that inhaling Peppermint Essential Oil can help alleviate some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's...

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BETTER SLEEP ➜ BETTER YOU Get Those Zzzzz's WIND DOWN EARLY Start winding down a few hours before you actually plan to fall asleep and, if you can, avoid screens! Some of our favorite wind down activities include gentle stretching, chatting over tea with our partners, or reading a book.   If you are going to spend time on a screen remember that the content you absorb before going to bed will likely impact your dreams - be gentle on your mind and choose positive content! COOL DOWN Water is a naturally soothing to us - take a shower, take a bath, soak your feet, or even just wipe your face and body down with a hot rag! Water will...

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