A Dose of PositiviTEA — Herbal Tisanes RSS


FOR ALL YOU TEA LOVERS: THE TEA LOVER GIFT SET JAR OF TEA Peppermint & Lemongrass: it's naturally caffeine free and so soothing! We chose this tea for our gift set because it has been a crowd favorite since we opened our first little tea shop in Ruidoso. This refreshing blend is great for sinuses, upset stomach, muscle tension and soreness, and boosting immunity. OBTC ENAMEL MUG Cozy up by the fire with a hot cup of tea in your OBTC enamel mug. It will warm you through your mittens. STAINLESS STEEL INFUSER You might have tried other infusers... this one is different. It is big enough to steep a whole pot of tea, has fine enough grating to prevent even the finest...

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DROOL WORTHY DESSERT BLENDS: THE CUSTOM BLENDED JAR CHOCOLATE COVERED BERRIES Mocha Mate + Berry = Chocolate Covered Berries Mocha Mate: toasted mate tea blended with dark chocolate chips, natural hazelnut flavor, natural chocolate flavor, & marigold flowers Berry: natural forest berries, blueberries, hibiscus flowers, cranberries, & rose hips Serve hot with a spoonful of honey. THANKSGIVING DESSERT DUO Pumpkin Pie Chai + Pecan Pie Pu Erh Pumpkin Pie Chai: honeybush tea with pumpkin pieces, licorice root, cinnamon bark, cardamom, ginger, cloves, safflower & natural pumpkin pie flavor Pecan Pie Pu Erh: pu erh & black tea leaves blended with Las Cruces grown pecans, safflower, natural pecan flavor & natural maple flavor Serve hot with a spoonful of honey &...

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COZY UP WITH: American Wildflower It's like a spa session in a tea cup. Ingredients: peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers, vanilla rooibos, and lemongrass.This soothing blend is antioxidant rich and anti-inflammatory.  It is great for a wide variety of common ailments: it aids in digestion, promotes restful sleep, soothes achy muscles and joints, alleviates sinus issues, combats headaches, helps calm an upset stomach, and boosts immunity! The list of benefits goes on and on.Rest, recover, and warm up with American Wildflower. SERVE HOT EITHER UNSWEETENED OR WITH A SPOONFUL OF MESQUITE HONEY!

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AMERICAN WILDFLOWER WITH LAVENDERRELAX & REJUVENATE   AMERICAN WILDFLOWERIngredients: peppermint, lemongrass, vanilla rooibos, & chamomileThis blend is an overall wellness booster! Each of these ingredients are anti-inflammatory, which means they can help reduce risk of disease as well as alleviate general aches and pains. The herbs in this blend can combat stomach and sinus issues, boost immunity, soothe tired muscles and joints, and promote restful sleep. ​If you struggle to wind down after a long day, try incorporating this blend into your evening routine - you might find your mood elevated, your night more restful, and feel generally better overall! ADD LAVENDER FLOWERSMany people know lavender's power to promote relaxation and induce sleep, but did you know it is rich in antioxidants and is also anti-inflammatory?​Try...

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Bed time routines are hard because we use up a lot of our will power being and doing good during the day. However, practicing good night habits can make your nights feel more restful and your days feel a lot brighter! Here are a few helpful tips to winding down, having happy dreams, and waking up feeling refreshed.  ​Try this for a week... Drink water after dinner: You may not want to chug a bunch of water right before bed and find yourself up in the middle of the night using the bathroom, so start early on. Drink a glass and then a few more glasses early in the evening to get your body ready and hydrated for your 8 or so hours of...

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