A Dose of PositiviTEA — Black Tea RSS


SEPTEMBER 2019 September is a wonderful midpoint between the end of summer and the start of Autumn that eases us into the colder months. As temperatures start cooling down, now is the perfect time to start transitioning from your favorite iced teas to hot teas! Our September Tea of the Month is a great transitional tea! Read more below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Bee Pollen Black & Vanilla Rooibos Bee Pollen Black & Vanilla Rooibos is an incredible blend when served iced or hot with a spoonful of honey and a dash of cream! It tastes a little like birthday cake and cocoa! This blend is immune boosting, rich in antioxidants, a natural pain reliever, an anti-inflammatory, and it promotes neurological health!...

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A+ blends for top performing students! Back to school? Our favorite brain boosting tea blends! 👇 HONEYSUCKLE BLOSSOM OOLONG We love Oolong tea because it is great for both increasing mental alertness and promoting relaxation - a perfect combination we love for long study sessions, or any type of work, that requires mental energy and focus!  Lemongrass, being a powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, will help to reduce muscle and joint pain, while fighting off sicknesses that tend to circulate around a classroom. If you love Jasmine Green Tea, you'll love this floral treat! We love Honeysuckle Blossom Oolong unsweetened and served over ice.   TROPICAL BLACK & LAVENDERSAGE LEMONADE With black tea, lemongrass, lemon myrtle, lavender, sage, and licorice root, this blend is an overall wellness booster! We love to drink...

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​Have you noticed the recent hype of turmeric and TURMERIC POWDER? It's hard not to! We are seeing this spice more and more in today's food and drink recipes! We even have guests coming into our stores asking about a Turmeric tea! But why? What's so special about turmeric? Turmeric is a plant that grows in Asia and Central America.  We commonly see it ground into a powder on spice shelves. Turmeric is traditionally used to flavor curry and other Indian dishes!The active ingredient in Turmeric is called curcumin, and it comes with lots of health benefits! Turmeric also contains iron, manganese, potassium and Vitamin C, according to the USDA.Some of the benefits of Turmeric include: Reduces inflammation and relieves pain - especially due to arthritis aggravation. Digestive aide - Studies show that turmeric in our...

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Everyday leading up to Valentine's Day, we posted some of the blends we love and why we love them! Here is a recap of all 14 amazing blends! FEBRUARY 1: MOCHA MATÉ & BERRY Prepared hot and served with honey.Our team likes to refer to this blend as Chocolate Covered Berries!Mocha Mate is one of the higher caffeinated teas that OBTC carries. It gives you the energy without the jitters or the crash that coffee can sometimes cause! It is high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and is a fat burner!​Berry is also high in antioxidants! In our Berry blend is hibiscus, which helps lower high blood pressure and bad cholesterol. FEBRUARY 2: POMEGRANATE GREEN & PEPPERMINT​Served iced with Desert Wildflower Honey & fresh squeezed lime (and a dash of ginger ale & rum - a mojito...

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Last year we introduced D Tea F, an aphrodisiac tea. Both men and women can benefit from drinking this tea! Many guests have asked us what about this blend makes it an aphrodisiac. Let’s dive into the ingredients!  D Tea F is a blend of damiana leaf, rose petals, lemon balm, hibiscus, ashwagandha and rose black tea. Our herbalist selected these ingredients for their aphrodisiac properties, but they are also great for promoting wellness in many other ways! Damiana Leaf - The flavonoids in damiana plants were found to have pro-sexual effects. Not only is it good for sexual health, but it has other benefits as well. Damiana relaxes the nervous system, helping to inhibit stress and anxiety. Damiana has high levels of apigenin, which helps...

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