A Dose of PositiviTEA — Rooibos Teas RSS


GROW YOUR OWN SALSA GARDEN WE KNOW IT'S FAR OUT… BUT YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY ORDER IN TIME FOR CINCO DE MAYO!​WHAT IS IN THE RECYCLED EGG CARTON?The Salsa Grow Garden consists of everything you need to start Roma Tomatoes, Jalapeños, Cilantro, Verde Tomatillos, Scallions, and Beefsteak Tomatoes CINCO DE MAYO PLANS IN THE MAKINGCinco De Mayo is a fun time to be in New Mexico. As many of you know, we'll take any excuse to cook up a bunch of delicious Mexican Food, make iced HORCHATA TEA for the family, and craft a herbaceous margarita. We know it's not really celebrated in Mexico, but in New Mexico it is a time to eat great food, play in the sunshine, and enjoy time with your...

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DESSERT IN A CUP: HORCHATA ROOIBOS WHAT IS HORCHATA?Horchata is a traditional Mexican drink made from rice, milk, vanilla, cinnamon, and lots of sugar! In New Mexico, it is frequently served over ice at family gatherings. It is SO DELICIOUS, but not the most healthy beverage. Our Horchata Rooibos tea is a healthy spin on this decadent traditional drink. CHECK OUT HOW WE PREPARE IT 1. Steep Horchata Rooibos with a generous spoonful of Wildflower Honey: Wildflower Honey is caramel-like and decadent, so it compliments this dessert tea well!2. Add your preferred creamer: we like extra creamy oat milk because it is dense, and gives the tea a richer taste and mouth-feel.  3. Serve either hot or over ice with a dash of cinnamon: while traditional Horchata is...

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DELICATE. CREAMY. FRUIT-FORWARD. Wild Strawberry & Vanilla Rooibos This blend is a hug in a cup. INGREDIENTSWild Strawberry: white tea blended with rooibos tea, apple pieces, hibiscus flowers, blueberries, blue cornflowers, rose petals, and natural flavors.Vanilla Rooibos: rooibos with natural vanilla flavor. PEAK THE HIGHLIGHTS White Tea is from the Camellia sinensis plant, the same plant that makes green, black, oolong, and pu erh teas. With white tea, the leaves of the plant are plucked young and are un-oxidized. For this reason, white tea is actually the highest in antioxidants of the traditional tea classes. The matriarch of our family is a 3 time cancer survivor and drinks white tea every day as a part of her preventative lifestyle.Rooibos is made from a South African shrub called Aspalathus linearis. Rooibos...

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WIND DOWN & COZY UP:American Wildflower Relax. You deserve it. American Wildflower is not strictly a bedtime tea, but it is one of our favorites to drink at the end of the day to help boost relaxation, to soothe a tired body, and to get into the right mindset for a peaceful night's sleep. It is refreshing with mint, sweet with vanilla, bright with lemongrass, and rounded out with earthy and floral chamomile notes. We love this blend served hot with a spoonful of Mesquite Honey. CHECK OUT THESE BENEFITS... Rooibos Results from a study analyzing the effects of rooibos tea suggests that a daily intake of rooibos tea may be beneficial to our health by "providing the liver with...

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YOU NEED YOUR ZZZ'S RELAX, REJUVENATE, & GET THAT REM SLEEP WHY SLEEP MATTERS​Sleep is SO important for our overall well being. In the book Why We Sleep the author, Matthew Walker, explains that sleep helps us to consolidate memories, learn, and prepare our brain to function optimally for a day full of complex decisions, social interactions, and emotions. In essence, sleep nourishes the mind!Further, he explains:Adequate sleep can help us maintain a slim figure, curb empty cravings, and, of course, increase energy during the day. Consistent, restful sleep can also decrease risk of disease including cancer, heart disease, and neurological degenerative diseases. Sleep also improves mood, encourages creativity, and helps us focus and learn more efficiently throughout the day.​So, if you can, soak...

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