A Dose of PositiviTEA RSS


100% ESSENTIAL OIL: SALVIA SCALARIACLARY SAGE WHY WE LOVE THIS OIL:This herbaceous smelling oil is high in Sesquiterpenes: a molecule that is anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial.​CLARY SAGE​ is said to be great for reducing stress and tension, alleviating insomnia and depression, and combating hormonal symptoms associated with PMS and menopause. HOW TO USE:Our favorite way to get the aromatherapy benefits of essential oils are in a hot shower or bath. A steamy shower with the wonderfully clean and calming aroma of CLARY SAGE​ is enough to help us decompress at the end of a long day!​You can also diffuse in your work space to create a more relaxed environment or make a massage oil by combining with a carrier oil (such as jojoba or coconut oil). TRY THIS:Pair with Frankincense...

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NO DESSERT? NO PROBLEM.Lavender Creme Brûlée Creamy. Decadent. Floral.Ingredients: Rooibos, natural creme brûlée flavor, lavender, and blue cornflowers.Craving something sweet after dinner? Try Lavender Creme Brûlée - this blend is antioxidant rich, will help reduce inflammation, alleviates aches and pains, and promotes restful sleep!​SERVE HOT WITH HONEY & CREAM.

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AMERICAN WILDFLOWER WITH LAVENDERRELAX & REJUVENATE   AMERICAN WILDFLOWERIngredients: peppermint, lemongrass, vanilla rooibos, & chamomileThis blend is an overall wellness booster! Each of these ingredients are anti-inflammatory, which means they can help reduce risk of disease as well as alleviate general aches and pains. The herbs in this blend can combat stomach and sinus issues, boost immunity, soothe tired muscles and joints, and promote restful sleep. ​If you struggle to wind down after a long day, try incorporating this blend into your evening routine - you might find your mood elevated, your night more restful, and feel generally better overall! ADD LAVENDER FLOWERSMany people know lavender's power to promote relaxation and induce sleep, but did you know it is rich in antioxidants and is also anti-inflammatory?​Try...

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KEEP YOUR INDOOR SPACE GREEN: HYDROPONIC MASON JARS COLD WEATHER WON'T STOP US 🌱HELLO SAGE, CHAMOMILE, & MINT. These hydroponics systems are a soil-free method for cultivating plants. They are self watering and push nutrients to the plants roots so they require minimal care. They are great for growing in a kitchen window, brightening up an office, or adding a fresh fragrance to any room.

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​FUEL FOR THE BODY & MIND:Pecan Pie Pu Erh Stay focused and energized all afternoon!Decadent. Nutty. Earthy. Ingredients: Pu Erh & Black tea leaves blended with Las Cruces grown pecans, safflower, natural pecan flavor & natural maple flavor.We love this blend after lunch because it reduces bloating, promotes digestion, kickstarts the metabolism, and gives us the energy we need to stay productive all the way through Monday afternoon! ​SERVE HOT WITH HONEY & CREAM.

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