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P ∙ U ∙ E ∙ R ∙ H the tea you should definitely drink after your Thanksgiving dinner 🤎 🤎 🤎 Pu Erh stimulates your digestion, reduces bloating, and makes you POOP! Thousands of years ago, tea merchants from the fertile and mountainous terrain of Yunnan, China, would travel far distances to sell and trade their leaves. To prepare for the long journey, the merchants would package the tea tightly into compressed discs or bricks to prevent the tea from spoiling. This allowed natural aging and fermentation to occur, resulting in a probiotic masterpiece of a tea. READ MORE ON THE HEALTH PROPERTIES OF PU ERH. ⬇ SCIENCE TELLS US Pu Erh tea contains antioxidants and can help combat free radicals in...

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WHAT IS YERBA MATÉ? Yerba Maté comes from a tree native to the forests of South America, and the history of it dates back to the 16th century, when it was traditionally consumed by the native Guarani people for its medicinal properties. IN A NUTSHELL: Yerba Maté is fresh, clean, and grassy! It is dense in nutrients, high in caffeine, and is great for stimulating digestion and metabolism, while promoting overall wellness. BREW TIPS: Yerba Maté is lovely served so many different ways: hot, iced, unsweetened, or with a spoonful of honey! Avoid steeping in overly hot water to prevent tea from tasting astringent - steaming not boiling is best for Yerba Maté. Legend says that the South American Guarani...

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NOVEMBER 2021 Happy November friends! The holiday season is upon us and it is one of my favorite times of the year! I am looking forward to family gatherings over the next couple of months, as well as the hustle and bustle and holiday cheer! I know that I will be enjoying our tea of the month all month long to keep my energy levels up, as well as appeasing my sweet tooth around all of the delicious treats! Check out our products of the month below! 👇 Tea Blend of the Month: Pecan Pie Pu Erh & Vanilla Rooibos PECAN PIE PU ERH & VANILLA ROOIBOS is dessert in a cup. It is blended with pu erh and black tea, Las...

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maca root: getting in tune with your body Soothes menopause AND period symptoms. Improves memory. Balances hormones. The ancient maca root has been used by the Inca and Peruvian cultures for more than 1,500 years. It is mostly grown in the harsh conditions and high elevation Andes mountains of Peru, where the mineral rich fields are naturally irrigated by glacial ice-melt and rainfall born in the thunderclouds of the Amazon basin.  Maca root is generally consumed in powder form and is loaded with unique health benefits. Most notably maca soothes PMS and menopausal symptoms and stimulates the endocrine system, which helps maintain hormonal balance. THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF MACA ROOT: Maca root powder is very nutritious, as it is rich in...

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s∙a∙g∙e  🌿 a wisdom welcoming herb 🌿 HERE'S THE SCOOP: The scientific name for sage is Salvia, which comes from the Latin word Salveo, “to heal” or “to save.” Sage belongs to the mint family, alongside other herbs like rosemary, oregano, basil, and thyme. The Romans regarded sage as a holy herb and used it to clean their teeth because of its antibacterial properties! According to traditional Celtic lore, sage symbolizes wisdom, as they believed eating it improved memory and opened the mind. SHOP OUR FAVORITE SAGE PRODUCTS! Lavender Sage Lemonade Clary Sage Essential Oil Bouquet Garni Lavender Sage Lemonade Tea Soap HEALING PROPERTIES OF SAGE Sage is loaded with antioxidants that are linked to several health benefits, including improved brain...

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