A Dose of PositiviTEA — Green Teas RSS


Hello fellow tea lovers! So far we've talked about the amazing health benefits of PU ERH TEA, ROOIBOS TEA, and WHITE TEA. With the May 2019 Tea of the Month being STRAWBERRY MOJITO GREEN TEA, let's talk about why GREEN TEAS are so great! Green tea is made by withering and oxidizing leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant. This delicate leaf does not like to be steeped in overly hot water as it can quickly become astringent tasting.  We recommend steeping between 170 and 185 degrees Fahrenheit. When prepared properly it is delicate, bright, and earthy. Green teas are high in antioxidants and boost metabolism. Green teas also reduce bad cholesterol, help regulate blood sugars, and improve brain function. Green teas contain polyphenols. Polyphenols and catechins...

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Everyday leading up to Valentine's Day, we posted some of the blends we love and why we love them! Here is a recap of all 14 amazing blends! FEBRUARY 1: MOCHA MATÉ & BERRY Prepared hot and served with honey.Our team likes to refer to this blend as Chocolate Covered Berries!Mocha Mate is one of the higher caffeinated teas that OBTC carries. It gives you the energy without the jitters or the crash that coffee can sometimes cause! It is high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and is a fat burner!​Berry is also high in antioxidants! In our Berry blend is hibiscus, which helps lower high blood pressure and bad cholesterol. FEBRUARY 2: POMEGRANATE GREEN & PEPPERMINT​Served iced with Desert Wildflower Honey & fresh squeezed lime (and a dash of ginger ale & rum - a mojito...

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It is a common misconception that all types of tea are steeped in a boiling water and for a set time limit. On the contrary, each type of tea needs to be steeped at a different temperature, and for varying times, depending on the type of tea and how strong you prefer it. Steeping a tea at the wrong temperature or longer than it's supposed to be steeped can lead to a bitter tasting and/or burnt cup of tea! Below is a list of what temperature each type of tea should be steeped at and for how long! These are our recommendations for the best tasting cup: 175 degrees F Green Teas - 2 to 3 minutes  Mate Teas - 3 to 5 minutes...

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