A Dose of PositiviTEA RSS


THIS WEEKEND IS REALLY SPECIAL…OBTC IS 5 YEARS OLD! Friends,​Our little tea co started in the mountain town of Ruidoso, NM. We sold antiques on consignment, 10 types of tea, and 3 types of honey… we really hoped the community would like what we were offering. At this time, we spent much of the day hoping someone would visit the shop and tried not to act too excited when we had guests. When someone made a purchase, we couldn't be thankful enough: every transaction was an affirmation that we were providing something people actually wanted and that we might be able to grow in this community. Luckily for us, our little tea shop was embraced and we were able to save enough money to move on...

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OUR TEA OF THE MONTH:MATE + PU ERH MOCHA MATE + STRAWBERRY HAZELNUT PU ERH = 🤤Mocha Mate:toasted maté tea, dark chocolate chips, marigold flowers, & natural flavorsStrawberry Hazelnut Pu Erh:pu erh tea leaves, strawberries, cocoa nibs, rose petals, & natural flavors MOCHA MATEMocha Mate is a great substitute for coffee because it is energizing and packed with nutrients that promote brain function, memory, and concentration. Mate is touted for stimulating digestion and weight loss. Also, it is often commonly referred to as a sexual tonic because it is a natural stimulant for the adrenal cortex.​ STRAWBERRY HAZELNUT PU ERHPu Erh is often the base for "skinny teas" as it boosts digestion, combats bloating, aids in fat burning, and revs up the metabolism. However, it's list of benefits far exceeds this. It is a great...

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WIND DOWN & COZY UP:American Wildflower Relax. You deserve it. American Wildflower is not strictly a bedtime tea, but it is one of our favorites to drink at the end of the day to help boost relaxation, to soothe a tired body, and to get into the right mindset for a peaceful night's sleep. It is refreshing with mint, sweet with vanilla, bright with lemongrass, and rounded out with earthy and floral chamomile notes. We love this blend served hot with a spoonful of Mesquite Honey. CHECK OUT THESE BENEFITS... Rooibos Results from a study analyzing the effects of rooibos tea suggests that a daily intake of rooibos tea may be beneficial to our health by "providing the liver with...

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WE LIKE TO CALL IT Chocolate Covered Berries Who needs a box of chocolates when you have this dessert in a cup?   BERRY: Natural forrest berries, blueberries, hibiscus flowers, cranberries, and rose hips.  MOCHA MATE: Toasted maté tea blended with dark chocolate chips, marigold flowers, and natural flavors. This blend is bright and decadent! We love to serve it hot with a spoonful of honey and a dash of cream.  With antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, you can feel good about the indulgence! Happy tea time friends!

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A NEW MEXICO FOLK REMEDY: GREEN CHILE FUEGO CIDER CLASSIC NEW MEXICO… PUTTING GREEN CHILE IN EVERYTHING ​Fuego Green Chile cider is a traditional herbal folk remedy in a vinegar base. It is recommended to help ward off illness, especially during peak cold and flu season. This herbal blend helps to boost the immune system while stopping cold and flu bugs dead in their tracks.​ This cider is made in small batches with heartfelt love and care. Because each batch requires individual devotion, bottles may vary from one to another in taste, consistency and color.This spicy medicine will promote good health, vitality, and give you a kick when you need one! Ingredients: organic apple cider vinegar, New Mexico green chile, ginger, horseradish, turmeric, onion, garlic, long pepper, raw...

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