A Dose of PositiviTEA — Tea Health Benefits RSS


Bourbon Brew + methods for the best brew awaken your spirit 🎃 🔮 👻 Our Bourbon Brew is one of the best teas to drink during the fall season. It is comforting with fall flavors like butterscotch, vanilla and oak. This blend makes a great mocktail or a decadent fall hot toddy. The ingredients in this blend work to support immunity, reduce inflammation and soothe aches and pains. People with joint mobility problems tend to like this tea because it helps soothe arthritic pain. We recommend serving Bourbon Brew hot with a spoonful of honey. Add a shot of bourbon for a spirited treat! Bourbon Brew Made with rooibos, pu erh, sweet corn kernels, American oak wood chips and natural flavors. BREW...

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🪵 oak wood 🪵 cultural history + medicinal benefits Father of the Woods Oak represents strength, courage and protection. This also translates into its medicinal and perhaps... magical properties. Druids were members of the high-ranking class in ancient Celtic cultures. They were concerned with the natural world and its powers, and considered trees sacred, particularly the oak. Mistletoe, probably the Druids’ most potent and magical plant, frequently grew on oak trees. Its presence was believed to indicate that Thor, the god of thunder, placed it there in a lightning strike. SCIENCE TELLS US Oak bark may contain up to 20% tannins depending on the type and time of harvesting. Tannins act as astringents, or agents that bind to proteins in...

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A magic tea ritual to spark your creativity. 🌙 🌿 🌙 🌿 🌙 Feeling stuck in a creative rut? This is a tea ritual for everyone, even if you consider yourself a non-creative person. This tea ritual will help your imagination get fired up, banish mental blocks and boost your energy. Get inspired, motivated and ready to create your masterpiece. Here's the teas you need to get started to make your own magical creative elixir. Add 1 teaspoon of sencha, 1 teaspoon of peppermint, and 1/2 teaspoon of ginger to an infuser. Steep in boiling water for 5 minutes. ⬇︎ Peppermint Magic Properties: clarity, inspiration, and positive thoughts Sencha Green Magic Properties: mindfulness, energy, and passion Ginger Magic Properties: confidence, manifestation, and...

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Dessert Day Every Day Today is National Dessert Day! Yes, it is real and the whole day is dedicated to indulging in your favorite desserts. We thought this would be the perfect opportunity to take you on a tour of our favorite teas inspired by desserts! If you need to satisfy a sweet tooth but prefer to do it in a healthy way, one of these dessert-like blends might be for you. CHECK THESE OUT. ⬇ Green Chile Biscochito This blend pays homage to the state cookie of New Mexico: the Biscochito. Balanced with comforting shortbread flavors and Hatch green chile, this tea is decadent with a subtle spice. Pecan Pie Pu Erh This blend is like a cup of...

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THE BEST THING ABOUT FALL: Pumpkin Pie Chai Die-hard fans are stocking up on this chai, buying 3 and 4 jars at a time because once it's gone, it's gone for the rest of the year! Here's why tea lovers are hooked on this decadent blend: made with REAL pumpkin creamy and rich flavor naturally caffeine free (making a great alternative to sweets after dinner) tastes just like pumpkin pie, but is packed with antioxidants Pumpkin Pie Chai Made with honeybush tea, pumpkin pieces, licorice root, cinnamon bark, cardamom, ginger root, cloves, safflower, cacao shells and natural flavors. Add 1-2 teaspoons in 8 oz of hot water for 10 minutes. This blend is best served hot with a spoonful of...

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