A Dose of PositiviTEA — SerendipiTEA Candle RSS


NOVEMBER INTENTIONS: living with more gratitude + shifting your mindset Happy November tea lovers! The holiday season is right around the corner and there is so much to be thankful for. Practicing gratitude is our focus this month and we have tips for helping you focus more of your energy on soaking in all the joy around you. Snuggle up, make a hot cup of your favorite tea, and check out our tips to living with more gratitude this November. ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ Humble yourself. 🍂 Pay attention when something frustrates you. Pin down the very thing that might be triggering you and look at the flip side of that frustration. Does your partner move at a totally different pace than you? Always on the...

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The Campfire Helping us connect and relax - it's in our DNA. In our evolutionary history, humans gathered around campfires to extend the day, boil water, cook food, ward off predators (and bugs), keep warm, and strengthen bonds. It is not surprising that research suggests campfires can reduce stress and generate pro-social behavior.  In one study, researchers found that something about a campfire comforts us so much that it caused a measurable decrease in blood pressure in participants, especially when participants where exposed to fires with soothing crackling sounds. Gather 'round the fire with a cuppa tea! The Best Camping Tea Tool Our cast iron teapots are durable and can be used over a small fire to brew and warm...

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SCENTS FOR THE SUMMER with Dana's SerendipiTEA candles Handmade by the matriarch of the OBTC family, these candles are heavenly and will fill your entire space with a beautiful aroma. Each and every one is triple scented and hand poured with love into glass mason jars, so that you can see the brilliant color of the wax. 🌈 Check out these popular scents for the summer. ⬇ Resting Beach Face Candle Herb Garden Candle Bee Pollen Candle DON'T FORGET TO REPURPOSE YOUR CANDLE JAR! To get the remaining leftover wax out from your jar, pour hot (not boiling) water into your jar, and the water will melt the candle wax, causing it to float to the surface of the container. Let cool completely before...

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LOVING ON MOTHER EARTH + ways to realistically live eco-consciously  🌿 ☀️ 🌸 ☁️ Happy April, you tea lovers! This month is one of our favorites because it reminds us of all that Mother Earth gives us. That's why we want to share some simple and realistic ways to live eco-consciously on the day-to-day. Here are a few realistic ways to easily reduce, reuse & recycle. ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ Reduce Food Waste. The key to reducing waste is often just using what you already have. Did you know that we discard 30-40% of our entire food supply in the U.S.? Food waste is one of the key contributors to global warming and climate change, but the good news is that food waste is actually really easy...

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🌼 Spring Fresh 🌼 Organize & deep clean your space for a fresh start. Cleaning essentials for around the home. Reusable Swedish Dishcloths - 3 Pack Lavender Herbal Natural Cleaner Wool Dryer Balls This dream team of natural cleaning products are must-haves for your supply cabinet! The Reusable Dishcloths are incredibly absorbent and made of earth friendly materials, making them biodegradable! Pair your dishcloths with our Natural Cleaner made to clear any mess on steel, glass and most other surfaces. Plus, its ingredients are non-toxic and contain no endocrine disruptors. Wool Dryer Balls are an excellent alternative to dryer sheets which often contain harmful chemicals. The dryer balls work to reduce drying time and static electricity, and if you like a fresh scent added to your clean...

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