A Dose of PositiviTEA — Healthy Lifestyle RSS


DESSERT IN A CUP: HORCHATA ROOIBOS WHAT IS HORCHATA?Horchata is a traditional Mexican drink made from rice, milk, vanilla, cinnamon, and lots of sugar! In New Mexico, it is frequently served over ice at family gatherings. It is SO DELICIOUS, but not the most healthy beverage. Our Horchata Rooibos tea is a healthy spin on this decadent traditional drink. CHECK OUT HOW WE PREPARE IT 1. Steep Horchata Rooibos with a generous spoonful of Wildflower Honey: Wildflower Honey is caramel-like and decadent, so it compliments this dessert tea well!2. Add your preferred creamer: we like extra creamy oat milk because it is dense, and gives the tea a richer taste and mouth-feel.  3. Serve either hot or over ice with a dash of cinnamon: while traditional Horchata is...

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ATTN: LAZY DIY-ERS HOMEMADE CLEANING SPRAY HERE IS ALL YOU NEED:​1 Cup Water 1/2 Cup Hydrogen Peroxide10 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil10 Drops of Rosemary Essential Oil5 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil WHY IS THIS BLEND AWESOME?This blend of essential oils is antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and antiallergenic. Also, it smells SO amazing: it is invigorating, with citrus yet herbaceous, and soothing. Homemade essential oil cleaning products make cleaning feel just a little bit more relaxing! 🧽Your home is going to feel and smell so good! HOPE YOU'RE ALL FEELING HEALTHY & HAPPY! ​

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TIME FOR YOU TO BLOSSOM GET OUTSIDE AND BLOSSOM THIS SPRING! HERE ARE A FEW HELPFUL TIPS TO ENJOY THIS SPRING TO THE FULLEST: 1. EMBRACE THE STORM - After a rainstorm, the air is rich in negative ions, which combat oxidation in the body and boost wellness. Embrace the storm by opening up the windows in your house or taking a stroll outside to soak up all the post-storm goodness in the air. 2. EAT YOUR HONEY - Indulge in a sweet honey treat daily to combat seasonal allergies. Many people believe you have to consume local honey to get the allergy boosting benefits, but enjoying any RAW and UNFILTERED honey will help your body build its defenses against ALL ailments, as it is...

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PLANNING TO DETOX AFTER THE NEW YEAR? - TRY CLEANSE TEA THIS TEA IS GREAT FOR DETOXING THE BODY AND PROMOTING OVERALL WELLNESS! HOW? LET'S LOOK AT THE INGREDIENTS: Milk Thistle strengthens and protects the liver combats depression, headaches, and skin conditions boosts immunity promotes resistance to disease, infection and toxins  supports the detoxification of the blood  Burdock cleanses the blood regulates blood sugar combats joint pain including arthritis, rheumatisms, lumbago, and sciatica boosts digestion cleanses and promotes healthy functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary, lymph, and sebaceous glands combats toxins, bacteria, fungus in the intestines and is a mild laxative Green Rooibos Tea reduces inflammation in the body and naturally soothes pain rich in antioxidants that combat DNA and cellular damage...

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STAY HAPPY & HEALTHY ALL WINTER LONG: GOOD WINTER HABITS Try this for a week…Get sunshine EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. It is hard to be motivated to go outside when it is so cold: trust us, we get it. However, it is absolutely worth bundling up and getting outside to get your dose of vitamin D from the sun! This will help to uplift your mood and keep you healthy during a season when many people experience feelings of seasonal depression.Stay active: stretch, dance, do yoga, or anything else you can do to keep your muscles feeling warm and alive in the cold weather!  You don't have to designate a special time for this: try stretching out your back or legs while folding laundry, dance and wiggle your...

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