MAY 2020 May 2020 - a month that seems to be lasting a decade! These times are unlike anything that I have EVER experienced or imagined - what about you? Have you lived through a pandemic before? I would guess your answer to be no - not until this year - but I am hoping you are flourishing and making the most of these difficult times. After over a month of quarantine, I know that I am eager to return to a little bit of normalcy - I am sure that you are too! Read below and learn about our tea, spice, and essential oil of the month. I'm hoping it might help to add a smile to your face! Tea of the Month: Lavender Sage Lemonade & Ginger...
ONE STRONG LITTLE ROOT: G I N G E R WHY IS GINGER SO AMAZING?Ginger has a long history of pharmacological uses: it has been used for thousands of years in treating a vast variety of ailments including the common cold and cancer. Ginger acts as a potent antioxidant and the components that make up this healing root accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, supporting the proposed effectiveness of ginger as an anti-nausea agent and colon cancer prevention tool. Ginger has also been reported to reduce cholesterol and improve lipid metabolism, which make it a powerful strategy for preventing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Ginger can also help to reduce age-related oxidative stress. Plus, it tastes great too!Ginger has a long history of pharmacological uses: it has been used for...
GIN & TONIC FEATURING: BLOOD ORANGE & LEMONGRASS Tangy. Bright. Refreshing. IT'S PRETTY SIMPLE...1. Steep BLOOD ORANGE AND LEMONGRASS with a spoonful of MESQUITE HONEY.2. Allow to cool before pouring over a large ice cube with a shot of your favorite gin and fresh squeezed lemon.3. Add a splash of tonic and garnish with a lemon wheel. WHY WE LOVE THIS COMBOThe juniper trees across New Mexico and Colorado fill the air with a lovely juniper berry aroma that almost always makes us crave one of our favorite warm weather cocktails: a gin and tonic.We can think of nothing more refreshing than a gin and tonic after time spent in the sunshine: it is one of our favorites to share with loved ones and close friends. It also...
BALANCING MOM-ING WITH WORK IT IS NOT EASY ROUTINE IS KEYNenada has this understanding with her husband: the first hour of the day is her's. While her husband hangs with their little guy, Nenada spends the morning getting ready for the day and getting into the right mindset to balance caring for her 1 year old and overseeing the operations for the tea company. This hour during the morning is a part of their family's routine - Nenada, her husband, and the baby all know what their morning will look like and naturally play their part.She also knows which work tasks she'll be working on each day of the week ahead of time and plans to tackle her more challenging task when her baby is napping at around 10:00 each...
CINNAMON & GINGER COUGH SYRUP IT'S PRETTY EASY…1. Steep 1 Tbsp of GINGER and 1 tsp of cinnamon in a half cup of water2. Mix 3 Tbsp of AVOCADO HONEY into the mixture3. Strain out ginger pieces (optional) and pour into a glass jar4. Keep refrigerated NATURE'S MEDICINEHoney has long been used as a natural remedy for colds and coughs. It is a great immune system booster and soothing to a sore throat. Immunity is not just something we should think about when we're sick though - strong immunity protects us from a wide variety of ailments and diseases. Immunity even plays an important role in helping our body resist seasonal allergies, which is why raw honey is consumed to combat the dreaded hay fever - not necessarily because...