July Intentions:
socialize in the sunshine & nourish your community

It is officially summertime and that means it is peak season to get outside, be social, and nourish your community around you! Did you know that being social can sharpen memory and cognitive skills, lower your risk of dementia, increase your sense of happiness and well-being, and may even help you live longer? 🤯

Here are a few ways to get social this month.


Build it into your routine.

It is easy to feel like there just isn't enough time in your day to go hang out with friends, go out to lunch or even text back that person that you always leave hanging. That's because you don't view at as a priority that should be a part of your routine! In reality, the things we feel like we don't have time for are the things that fill our cups - so nourish them!

  1. Get a group together and set aside one evening per week to do something. Anything! Take your dogs on a quick walk together, meet at your favorite brewery to have a drink, take turns hosting themed dinner nights, or go to a yoga class together.
  2. Your communication with those around you is half of the battle. Take 5 minutes before you start your day to connect with the people you love. Need to text a friend back? Do you need to call your grandma? Maybe send a thoughtful message to your husband? Making time to communicate can be the catalyst for improving your social skills.

Plan to do something social that you can't back out of easily.

Putting yourself in a position to be social where you can't really back out is a great way to help yourself grow, develop a community, and make friends.

  1. Continue your education or flex your talents. This can mean signing up for a pottery class at your local community college, joining a book club, attending a salsa dance class with your partner, or joining a community sports league.
  2. Start your own club. Do you have a hobby you are interested in growing? Maybe you are passionate about whiskeys from around the world, love to garden, or enjoy hiking. Advertise it on a Facebook group or Instagram story and build a community of like-minded people by putting an activity at the center of your socialization.

Now watch the magic happen.

Our secret superpower as a species is collaboration. We thrive when we are together. Connecting and feeling like we belong is a desire that is hardwired into our DNA. We hope you spend this July building your community and feeling all the joy that comes with it.

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