A Dose of PositiviTEA — Monthly Newsletter RSS


August 2023 Happy August fellow tea lovers! Well, hello August! It is crazy to me how fast this year seems to be flying by! July felt so incredibly hot - I hope you had the opportunity to enjoy lots of refreshing iced tea! August is coming up, and that means getting back into routines, as my kids are starting back at school in a couple of weeks. While I love the summer months (it's my favorite season) I do enjoy getting back into routines. What about you? I hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer left! We have some great products of the month for August! Check them out below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Shroom Boom Cocoa SHROOM BOOM COCOA is...

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May Tea Notes 🌱

May 2023 Happy May fellow tea lovers! Here's hoping that any April showers brings all of the May flowers! Thanks to spring and warmer weather, it has been so nice to spend some time outside, sipping on tea and planting some new plants and flowers in my garden. I have also been able to take work outside and enjoy the sun, wind chimes, and birds chirping! I hope you have been able to enjoy some of the of the benefits of spring too! We have some great products of the month for May! Check them out below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Lavenderberry White LAVENDERBERRY WHITE is blended with white peony tea, blueberries, lemongrass, dried lavender flowers, and natural flavors. This blend...

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April 2023 Happy April fellow tea lovers! Spring has finally sprung, thank goodness! There are so much new growth on my plants and baby animals are everywhere! In case you missed it, our Spring Seasonal Tea Club shipped last month, and it is full of blends that are meant to accompany you on your spring activities like gardening, cocktail making, and basking in the sun. I have been enjoying them while working at my potting bench repotting some of my plants - my happy place! We have some great products of the month for April! Check them out below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Coconut Limoncello COCONUT LIMONCELLO is blended with white peony tea, shredded coconut, blue cornflowers, calendula flowers, lemon balm, lemon myrtle, and...

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March 2023 Happy March fellow tea lovers! I hope your February was filled with lots of love—love for yourself and for others in your life! I am excited to welcome March with open arms. I love seeing all of the new growth around me and feeling the warmer temperatures. March is here, and we have some great products of the month to share with you. Check them out below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Mango Paradise MANGO PARADISE is blended with sencha green tea, mango pieces, coconut, blue cornflowers, and natural flavors. This low caffeinated, tropical green tea is bright with fruit flavor! It supports healthy brain function, boosts metabolism, and is rich in antioxidants. This blend is best served iced with...

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February 2023 Happy February fellow tea lovers! Wow - it seems like I blinked and January flew by! How was your January? Did you participate in the Matcha Challenge? Did you set some New Year's resolutions for yourself? I must admit, it probably took me a couple of weeks into January to do a proper reflection and resetting of my goals. But I am feeling much better about my goals and mindfulness, even if it took a couple of weeks. And if that was your case too - it's okay! It's never too late to get back on track. 😊 February is here, and we have some great products of the month to share with you. Check them out below!...

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