October 2024 Happy October fellow tea lovers! Hello spooky season! We are excited for whimsical and crafty creativity this month, as well as everything pumpkin, spice, and everything nice! I am looking forward to some cooler weather, and fresh, crisp fall air, Halloween parties, and trick or treating with good friends. What are you looking forward to? We have some great products we are enjoying this month. Check them out below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Pumpkin Pie Chai PUMPKIN PIE CHAI is blended with honeybush, cinnamon, pumpkin, roasted cacao shell, clove, natural flavor, ginger root, licorice root, cardamom, and safflower. This decadent blend is bursting with real pumpkin flavor and creamy goodness! It is a wholesome way to appease a sweet tooth,...
September 2024 Happy September fellow tea lovers! Wow, did August come and go in a blink of the eye! School has started for my family, and it was a tricky couple of weeks trying to get back into the routine of things, but we have survived. :) We are now on the cusp of fall, cooler weather, and all of the fall flavors. We have some great products we are enjoying this month. Check them out below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Green Chile Biscochito GREEN CHILE BISCOCHITO is blended with green tea, cinnamon, anise seed, roasted cacao shell, natural flavors, New Mexican green chile, and chamomile. This blend pays homage to the state cookie of New Mexico: the Biscochito. Balanced with comforting shortbread...
August 2024 Happy August fellow tea lovers! I can't believe that it is August already. It seems like the summer started, I blinked, and now it is almost gone! It has been so incredibly hot where I live, so I have been enjoying all of the iced teas this July! I hope you have too! :) We have some great products we are enjoying this month. Check them out below! 👇 Tea of the Month: American Wildflower AMERICAN WILDFLOWER is blended with peppermint, chamomile, rooibos, and lemongrass. This blend is like a spa tea! It is refreshing with mint, uplifting with lemongrass, comforting with rooibos, and soothing with chamomile! We recommend enjoying during the day to help you have a more relaxed state...
July 2024 Happy July fellow tea lovers! I hope you had a great June and official start to your summer! For me, it has been a great time to slow down life, enjoying the sweet and quiet times, and being thankful for many things around me. In July, I'm excited for my kids as they head off to some summer camps, while looking forward to some home renovation projects. I hope to get some beach days in, or at least some time to spend in the sun, soaking in some vitamin D. We have some great products we are enjoying this month. See the details below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Shroom Boom Cocoa SHROOM BOOM COCOA is blended with cocoa, maca root,...
May 2024 Happy May fellow tea lovers! Did the April showers bring May flowers? My April showers brought new growth and fresh leaves for many of my green babies! I've also been able to open up the windows of my house, letting in lots of fresh air! ☺️ This May I am looking forward to the longer days. It hasn't gotten too warm yet where I am located, so the afternoons and evenings have been so beautiful. Hopefully my family can get some landscaping done as well! What are you looking forward to in May? We have some great products we are enjoying this month. See the details below! 👇 Tea of the Month: Crisp Apple Pu Erh CRISP APPLE PU...