A Dose of PositiviTEA — Honeybees RSS


B ∙ E ∙ E      P ∙ O ∙ L ∙ L ∙ E ∙N 🟡 nature's edible golden nuggets 🟡  Bee pollen is made up of pollen, saliva, and nectar or honey, and contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and contains 40% protein, making it incredibly healthy! Studies have linked bee pollen and its compounds to health benefits such as decreased inflammation, as well as improved immunity, menopausal symptoms, and wound healing.  Did you know that bees collect pollen and store it in their built in "saddlebags" or "baskets" on the sides of their little bodies? Come on, how cute is that? READ MORE ON THE BENEFITS OF BEE POLLEN ⬇ Combating Seasonal Allergies When a bee keeper...

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H O N E Y  🍯 a phytonutrient powerhouse 🍯 The Story of Honey The first depiction of humans using honey dates back to 2100 B.C. Many cultures from all over the world have used honey for thousands of years. Honey was believed to be so divine that ancient Egyptians and Romans would use it as a sweetener of course, but also as a gift to their gods and even as an ingredient in embalming fluid. Some of the world's oldest honey (3,000 years old) was found in clay honey pots in an Egyptian tomb, King Tut's tomb to be precise. The purpose of this was to keep him happy on his celestial journey to the afterlife. Did you know...

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Sunflower Honey sweet like summertime & perfect for vibrant iced teas 🌻🌻🌻 Sunflower Honey floral ∙ toasted ∙ plum undertones ∙ mellow Our honey is raw & unfiltered, just the way the bees make it! Did you know? Honey varietals vary based on where a hive is placed. Our sunflower honey is made from bees near an abundance of sunflowers. Can you imagine a more dreamy summertime setting than a sunflower field being pollInated by happy little honeybees? The plant that the honey bee pollInates from impacts the color, the consistency, and the flavor of the honey. This honey is light and mellow and pairs beautifully with fruit-forward and floral iced tea blends. And how cute are these?! ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ Olive...

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LOVIN' ON THE EARTH 🌲 🌎 When You Buy A Tree, Another Is Planted Earth Day is almost here and we have the perfect thing for you to do to celebrate and love the earth-plant a tree!  We are so thankful to the Earth for all she gives us and we understand that when we take from the earth, we must give back. Earth Day is approaching and we have the perfect thing for you to do to celebrate and love on the earth-plant a tree! Modern Sprout is on a mission to help reforest the future – for every kit purchased, a donation is made to plant a tree. Tree Kits feature carefully selected seed types that will thrive...

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🦋 Support Your Local Pollinators 🦋 they have one of the most important jobs on earth Pollination is an essential ecological survival function and without pollinators, the human race and all of earth’s ecosystems would not survive. Of the 1,400 crop plants grown around the world that produce all of our food and plant-based industrial products, almost 80% require pollination by animals. Thanks to these pollinators we have the privilege of enjoying things like fruit, vegetables, coffee and chocolate! Bees aren't the only ones that pollinate either! Butterflies, birds, beetles, bats, wasps and even flies are important in the pollination process. Sadly, there is an alarming decline in pollinator populations due to exposure to pesticides and other chemicals, loss of...

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