Sunflower Honey

sweet like summertime & perfect for vibrant iced teas


Sunflower Honey

floral βˆ™ toasted βˆ™ plum undertones βˆ™ mellow

Our honey is raw & unfiltered, just the way the bees make it!

Did you know?

Honey varietals vary based on where a hive is placed. Our sunflower honey is made from bees near an abundance of sunflowers. Can you imagine a more dreamy summertime setting than a sunflower field being pollInated by happy little honeybees? The plant that the honey bee pollInates from impacts the color, the consistency, and the flavor of the honey. This honey is light and mellow and pairs beautifully with fruit-forward and floral iced tea blends.

And how cute are these?!


Olive Wood Honey Dipper

OBTC Olive Wood Honey Pot

Iced tea blends we love to pair with Sunflower Honey.



Lavender Sage Lemonade

Honeysuckle Blossom Oolong

Mango Paradise


Prickly Pear

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