A Dose of PositiviTEA — Honey RSS


wild strawberry tea + methods for the best brew. We recommend serving Wild Strawberry iced, with just a touch of Orange Blossom honey, fresh strawberries to garnish, and a tiny splash of cream if you want to bring out those dessert-like notes! Wild Strawberry Made with white tea, rooibos tea, apple pieces, hibiscus flowers, blueberries, strawberries, blue cornflowers, rose petals and natural flavors. tastes likes strawberry shortcake 🍓 🍰 🍓 Our Wild Strawberry tea has subtle hibiscus, rose, blueberry, and strawberry flavors and has a natural sweetness, making it a wonderful tea to make iced in the warming spring months. The ingredients in this blend gently detoxify the body, protect against premature aging, and provide the body with lots of antioxidants. Soak in the sun with these...

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mango paradise spritz a tangy mood-boosting tonic 💧 🥭 💧 🥭 💧 ✨ All Sparkly & Happy ✨ This refreshing and fruity drink is perfect to enjoy on a warm spring day! Our tea of the month, Mango Paradise, shines in the spotlight of this recipe and is mixed with our Hibiscus tea, sweetened with our Wildflower honey, and topped off with sparkling water and a dose of Happiness Tincture. HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED FROM US: Mango Paradise Wildflower Honey Hibiscus Happiness Tincture INGREDIENTS: 2 tsp. Mango Paradise 1 tsp. Hibiscus tea 5 oz hot water 1 tsp. Wildflower honey 1 dropper full of Happiness Tincture your favorite sparkling water fresh fruit for garnish ice Instructions: Add Mango Paradise and Hibiscus to an infuser, pour 5 oz of hot water over and steep for 5 minutes. While...

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irish whiskey sour with matcha & honey ☘️ 🍋 ☘️ 🍋 ☘️ A St. Patty's Inspired Tea Cocktail The luckiest day of the year is right around the corner and this tea cocktail recipe captures the spirit of that very green day. ☘️ Made with our ceremonial grade matcha, this cocktail is refreshing, citrusy and GREEN. It is sweetened with an Orange Blossom simple syrup and topped with frothed egg white, which compliments the matcha flavor wonderfully! HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED FROM US: Orange Blossom Honey Matcha INGREDIENTS: For simple syrup: 2 Tbsp. Orange Blossom Honey 2 Tbsp. hot water For cocktail: 1 1/2 oz of your favorite Irish whiskey 4 tsp. of lemon juice 4 tsp. Orange Blossom simple syrup 1/2 tsp. Matcha egg white 3 dashes...

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A Hot Tea Guide: + essential brew tools and how to use them 🌿 🌿 🌿 Soak up these last few weeks of hot tea season with all the best brew tools. Here's how we like to make the perfect hot cuppa, for those chilly spring mornings. PSST: Get the inside scoop on how we make our samples in the stores! ⬇ First you need an infuser. This one will change your life. This infuser can make an 8 oz serving or a 64 oz serving depending on how many leaves you add! Since this infuser is more roomy, it allows the leaves to fully open up. This roominess allows the leaves to release more of their flavor and more...

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A Tea Party With The Kids ideas for fun & conversation prompts This month we are celebrating all things LOVE and taking the time to nourish relationships that are special to us. Tea parties with kids are fun because they give you an excuse to dress up in your own home, set a lovely table, and make delicious snacks to enjoy together! Take the opportunity to teach your little ones about savoring and appreciating unique flavors, learning about nutrition, and practicing being present.  Try this... Ask your kids to research and share about the health benefits of one tea ingredient you'll enjoy at your tea party. If your kids are too little to do independent research, ask them to describe...

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