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Genmaicha & Vanilla Rooibos → tastes like toasted marshmallows ← Genmaicha, pronounced "Gen (rhymes with Ken)-My-Cha," is a unique Japanese green tea that many find intriguing, as it has a distinctive appearance and taste! Brown rice kernels, "genmai," are blended with sencha green tea. When steeped in water, the kernels can burst or "pop" open, which adds a toasty and warm, nutty element to the flavor of this tea that pairs perfectly with our naturally sweet and nutty Vanilla Rooibos. Genmaicha & Vanilla Rooibos TASTING NOTES: savory ∙ toasty ∙ comforting ∙ naturally sweet ∙ vanilla  DRINK TO: 🌱 promote neurological health 🌱 appease a sweet tooth  🌱 reduce inflammation   BREW TIPS: This blend is best served hot and with dollop of honey. IN...

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GREEN TEA Improves Brain Function. Boosts Metabolism. Antioxidant Rich. The tea that was discovered by accident.   The origin of green tea traces all the way back to China in 2737 B.C. It is said that green tea was discovered by accident when Chinese Emperor Shennong drank warm water and realized that a Camellia sinensis (tea) leaf had fallen into his cup mistakingly. He loved the refreshing flavor, and soon enough the discovery spread across the continents. Today it is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world. In countries such as Japan and China, tea and its presentation have become an art form. According to ancient Chinese medicine, green tea is a powerful healing agent. According to Scientific Research: 🌱 Studies show that caffeine, a stimulant,...

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Pecan Pie Pu Erh When your waistline says no, but your tastebuds say yes - put down the slice of pecan pie and brew yourself a mug of Pecan Pie Pu Erh. Perfect for after that holiday dinner you spent hours preparing and all you got for it was a sink full of dirty dishes. INGREDIENTS: pu erh tea, black tea, Las Cruces-grown pecans, safflower, cinnamon chips, cocoa nibs and natural flavors TASTING NOTES: dessert-like ∙ nutty ∙ rich DRINK TO: appease a sweet tooth get antioxidants protect the heart promote digestion and metabolism reduce bloating boost immunity get an energy boost IN A NUTSHELL: This blend is like a cup of decadent pecan pie! It is energizing, promotes healthy digestion and metabolism, and...

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Lavenderose Chamomint Wile this may sound like a celebrity daughter's name, the OBTC Lavenderose Chamomint is anything but ridiculous. Relaxation in a mug by way of dried lavender, rose petals, chamomile, peppermint and vanilla rooibos. Drink before bed for the most restful sleep you'll have in years.

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This January: The Matcha Challenge Order now so you have Matcha in time for the challenge - or come see us at the shop!  We are excited to dive into 2021 with a wellness boosting challenge: matcha each day for the month of January. During January we will be sharing brew tips, recipes, and matcha inspirations so you can up your wellness game in 2021! MATCHA INGREDIENTS: powdered Japanese green tea TASTING NOTES: vibrant ∙ earthy ∙ grassy Why Matcha? Matcha is the ultimate wellness booster. Our inspiration to start the Matcha Challenge came from Matcha's antioxidant content which makes it a great lifestyle habit for reducing risk of developing cancer. The matriarch of this tea family, Dana, is a...

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