A Dose of PositiviTEA RSS


IT'S BACK... Enchanted Lavender Earl Grey   INGREDIENTS:black tea, lavender flowers, orange peels, blue cornflowers, and natural flavorsSERVE IT LIKE THIS:Serve hot and unsweetened, or with a spoonful of honey, and a dash of cream. Though Earl Grey is traditionally served for afternoon tea, we enjoy this blend in the morning, as it creates an energy boost that mellows the mind - perfect for a day of projects around the house! FOR THE LOVE OF EARL GREY:Earl Grey is a classic! Our take on this much loved blend is extra creamy, decadent, and floral. Lavender is one of the more common crops in New Mexico - the Land of Enchantment! So, as a homage to our lovely state, we named this one ENCHANTED LAVENDER EARL GREY  Many of you have reached out to ask...

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CREATE A RELAXED MENTAL STATE: TRY THIS TONIGHT NOURISH YOUR NEED FOR SELF CARE AND WATCH YOUR RELATIONSHIPS AND WORK FLOURISH. Self care is one of the easiest things to de-prioritize. We are quick to push work, family obligations, and household duties to the top of our todo list and think nourishing ourselves can be reserved for our next day off... or the one after that... ​But you cannot pour from an empty cup. Taking time to feed your needs will trickle positively into every other aspect of your life. Feeling frustrated with loved ones? Fatigued by household tasks? Uninspired with work? Try this...   TAKE A HOT BATHSoaking in warm water increases circulation, increasing the flow of oxygen to your brain...

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REFRESHING. FRUITY. BRIGHT. White Peach INGREDIENTS:white tea, dried peach pieces, marigold flowers, and natural flavors SERVE IT LIKE THIS:Try this blend served iced with a generous spoonful of honey and fresh squeezed lemon: it is just the most refreshing tea for a hot afternoon 🤤 FEELING ADVENTUROUS?Add a spoonful of lavender flowers when steeping (lavender flowers are under the "herbs & spices" section of our website). Lavender gives this blend a herbaceous and floral freshness that reminds us of afternoons spent gardening!DID WE MENTION IT IS GOOD FOR YOU?White tea is from the tea plant, Camellia sinensis, so it has similar health benefits for green, black, oolong, and pu erh. How is it different? White tea is actually the highest in antioxidants! It is also...

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SOOTHE YOURSELF: Chamomile & Lemongrass INGREDIENTS:dried lemongrass and dried chamomile flowersSERVE IT LIKE THIS:serve hot with a generous spoonful of honey and fresh squeezed lemon before bed THIS ONE IS PRETTY POWERFUL:Chamomile and Lemongrass served individually are thought to be cure alls: put them together and you make a pretty powerful wellness booster! Chamomile and Lemongrass are anti-inflammatory so they are soothing for aches and pains, and regular consumption can reduce risk of disease. They are both antibacterial so they combat infection and sickness. This blend can help to promote bladder health, soothe stomach upset, and ease menstrual cramps. It can also help promote more restful sleep and reduce anxiety.

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REFRESHING. FRUIT-FOWARD. CRISP. STRAWBERRY MOJITO INGREDIENTS:green tea, strawberry pieces, schisandra berry, peppermint, lemon myrtle, hibiscus, and natural flavorsCHECK OUT HOW WE PREPARE IT: 1. Steep Strawberry Mojito at a temperature around 170℉ (steaming not boiling water) for 3 to 4 minutes.2. Add your favorite honey: we love Mesquite Honey with this blend because it is light and floral, so it brightens the flavor of the tea without overwhelming the nuances of this delicate blend.3. Serve over ice with a sprig of fresh mint and garnish with a strawberry. MORE ABOUT THIS BLEND:Green tea, as we all know, has a long list of benefits: it shines most for its antioxidant content, its metabolism boosting benefits, and its positive effects on the brain. Green tea is especially...

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