A Dose of PositiviTEA — Wellness RSS


September Intentions: get focused and live intentionally Fall officially begins this month and it is the perfect time to reflect, get focused, and re-imagine your lifestyle. Fall is the season to tie up loose ends, live more intentionally, and savor this quiet and beautiful season. Here are our tips for boosting your brain power and living more intentionally this month. ⬇︎ Evaluate your sleep hygiene: Did you know that getting high-quality sleep can protect the brain from neurological decline and disease? To your brain, sleep deprivation is like being intoxicated but without the buzz, and you may not even know you are sleep-deprived! Common symptoms of sleep deprivation & insomnia: 1. Grogginess when waking 2. Sleep talking or walking 3....

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When you need to concentrate... Try diffusing these essential oils ⬇ PEPPERMINT Massage into forehead and temples or diffuse to awaken your senses and keep you alert. LAVENDER Diffuse this to calm the mind. Sink into a relaxed kind of focus. FRANKINCENSE Diffuse to balance the nervous system and improve focus and creativity. Set yourself up for success with the full package. ⬇︎ The Mental Focus Gift Set Yerba Maté Gift Set Summertime Brews Set

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August Intentions: establishing and falling in love with your routine Routine gets a bad rap. It can come across as stifling and limiting, but in reality, a routine can be liberating. Routines help eliminate decision fatigue, freeing up mental space for more creativity while reducing stress (and increasing happiness). The best part is, you get to design your routine so that it suits your lifestyle, your goals, and your personal preferences. Here are our tips for falling in love with your routine this August. ⬇︎ Step 1: figure out where you want to go. Get out your notebook and divide the paper into four quadrants: one for your physical goals, one for your mental goals, one for your interpersonal goals,...

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