Happy New Year friends! I hope your holiday was restful, and full of joy and love! Are you ready to start the New Year? Ready for a detox or for setting resolutions? If you are, we have some great products to get you started on the right track - and a challenge for the New Year!

Check out our products of the month below! 👇

Tea of the Month: Matcha

MATCHA is powdered Japanese green tea. Matcha is bold, earthy, and clean! It supports healthy brain function, boosts metabolism, and is rich in antioxidants. When you drink matcha, you are consuming the full tea leaf and all of the leaf's nutrients!

We like to whisk Matcha into hot water, until it is evenly dissolved, and enjoy with honey and frothed cream.

Are you doing The Matcha Challenge with us?

What's the Matcha Challenge? 

It's easy: drink matcha everyday for the month of January. Why? Because matcha is amazing for you! Matcha boosts metabolism, supports digestion, improves brain function, and protects against neurological degeneration. It is packed with antioxidants, which protect us from disease and premature aging, and it is a total mood and energy booster!Â đŸ”Â âœš

Spice of the Month: Vietnamese Cinnamon

Our VIETNAMESE CINNAMON is the best cinnamon powder I have ever had! Vietnamese Cinnamon has a higher oil content than regular cinnamon, so the flavor is more rich! We love to use it in baking, oatmeal, tea and smoothies.

This month we're adding our Vietnamese Cinnamon to a Moroccan Butternut Squash Soup. Check out the recipe below!


Essential Oil Blend of the Month: The Forest Bathing Blend

This essential oil combination is reminiscent of an enchanting evergreen forest dusted in snow, as the scent of a forest floor and cold earth evoke a sense of harmony and balance. The blend can be used during meditation to ground the body and clear the mind. This combination reminds us to listen to our bodies and nourish it as it needs through these cold winter months. The three oils work together to create a peaceful and still environment while nourishing the skin and boosting immunity. We like to use even parts of CEDARWOOD ATLAS ESSENTIAL OIL, LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL, and FRANKINCENSE ESSENTIAL OIL.

These three oils can be used together or separately, but for the month of January, when you buy all three together you get 10% off!  

Click the link below for some DIY tricks you can do with this blend to up your relaxation game!

I hope you have a great start of the 2022 year - hopefully your best year yet with a fresh start. Don't forget - we would love to hear about some of the benefits you gain if you are participating in the Matcha Challenge - don't be shy to reach out! Happy New Year friends!

đŸŒ±Â Maggie & the OBTC TEA(m)

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