A Dose of PositiviTEA — Herbal Tisanes RSS


The Bombilla. it's a really cool straw. No tea infuser necessary. Bombillas are traditionally used to drink Yerba Maté from a gourd, but you can really use a bombilla with any tea! How does it work? The lower end of the metal straw is perforated and acts as a filter, which is used to separate your tea infusion from the leaves, stems, and other debris. The filter on the straw can be removed and opened for cleaning. PRO TIP: The bombilla is great for travelers who want to enjoy loose leaf tea but don't want to carry along an infuser. Say hello to your new airplane buddy. ✈️ Try using your bombilla with these teas: Chinese Milk Oolong Dragon Pearl Black Berry...

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crisp apple pu erh + methods for the best brew. the best gym companion. 🍎🏃🏽‍♀️💪🏼 If one of your goals in 2023 is to spend more time exercising, stretching and moving, our Crisp Apple Pu Erh might be your new workout buddy. This tea is made with apple, lemongrass, pu erh tea, rose hips and yerba maté, so the flavor is refreshing, bright and slightly earhty. This blend is super energizing, metabolism boosting and restorative for tired muscles. Take this brew to the gym/trail/yoga studio with you and get your pump on.😎 We recommend serving Crisp Apple Pu Erh iced (to take to the gym with you!) and unsweetened, or with a tiny bit of honey and fresh apple slices....

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Dulce Sueños refreshing with mint & earthy undertones ☁️ 🌙 ☁️ 🌙 ☁️ Get your head in the clouds. Dulce Sueños translates to "sweet dreams" and is made with herbs and flowers that promote restful sleep. The primary ingredient in this blend, valerian root, is so soothing it is often referred to as "nature's sedative." Some have even reported that their dreams are more vivid and frequent when they drink this tea. This blend is great for those who struggle to put their mind to rest at bedtime or wake up frequently during the night, but it can also be enjoyed during the day to soothe anxious feelings and promote overall wellness. Dulce Sueños Made with valerian root, honeybush tea,...

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chamomile Anxiety Soothing & Digestion Boosting The plant's physician. In olden days, chamomile was known as the plant's physician because people thought that by placing chamomile next to a sickly plant, the plant would recover. Chamomile rightly gets the nickname because it has been used for thousands of years to treat everything from loss of appetite to irregular periods to bronchitis. Today we regard chamomile for its abilities to soothe anxiety and tension and to help us get into a deep sleep. We love chamomile, so you'll find it in many of our blends, from caffeinated refreshers to spa-like bedtime brews. SCIENCE TELLS US Chamomile tea may protect against diarrhea, stomach ulcers, nausea, and gas, likely due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Chamomile...

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Lemongrass 🌿 🍋 🌿 The Purifying Grass. Lemongrass earned the name "fever grass" due to its ability to reduce a fever. It is also used to soothe menstrual pain and reduce inflammation. You'll notice lemongrass in many of our blends because we absolutely love it! It is refreshing, bright, citrusy, and its herbaceous essence inspires feelings of cleanliness and peace. ✌🏼   Here's what researchers say about lemongrass: Lemongrass is used for treating bacterial and fungal issues, as well as to reduce chronic inflammation for conditions such as arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Lemongrass has a cooling effect that helps to soothe your stomach and keeps your digestive functions in check. It contains citral, which helps to digest food. Lemongrass is a great source of...

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