Peppermint & Lemongrass is definitely a guest and staff favorite! Here are several reasons why:

  • Versatility - This tea is a great comfort served hot during the winter months with a touch of honey, but also very refreshing when served iced during the summer (peppermint has a great natural cooling effect)!
  • Health benefits - this tea is a definite "cure-all" in my book! When I have a stomach ache, migraine, or a cold that I can't shake, Peppermint and Lemongrass is my go-to! Some ailments this tea targets are:
    • Nausea and upset stomach
    • Headaches
    • Anxiety and stress
    • Allergies
    • Insomnia
    • Skin irritations
    • Arthritis and joint pain
    • Respiratory irritation and inflammation
    • Antiviral and Antibacterial
  • Delicious - when sampling this tea to guests, and when I drink it myself, the first thing you get a hint of is a light citrus flavor (hello Lemongrass) and then when swallowing, the minty flavor comes in (Peppermint saying, "I'm here too!"). Adding the Peppermint in this blend also helps with bad breath!

The Blend

This blend is very simple. We suggest:

  • For a 16 oz tea cup - 1 tsp Peppermint, 2 tsp Lemongrass
  • For a 4.5 cup teapot - 3 tsp Peppermint, 4 tsp Lemongrass
  • For a 8 cup tea pitcher - 5 tsp Peppermint, 8 tsp Lemongrass

I like to think of blending tea as a science experiment until you find what you love and what suits your tastes!


  • I have been fighting a cold (or some kind of sickness) this week! I have decided to fight this thing that is attempting to kick my butt by drinking my Peppermint and Lemongrass instead of taking the many different options of cold medicines out there. Why? Because I truly believe that the tea helps fight alongside my immune system better than the cold medicines! 
  • Bailey, one of our owners, says "I work as a Sign Interpreter at a public school and I used to get sick any time the kids in the class got sick! My husband and I started drinking Peppermint and Lemongrass every night before bed.  It is like our nightly ritual! It relaxes us both mentally and physically, naturally freshens breath and helps us sleep well.  Plus, I rarely get sick now! I even take it with us when we travel because it is great for the common cold, upset stomach, and even a hangover!"
  • I love my husband - he is strong, very self-sufficient, and encourages me to be the healthiest version of me more than anyone out there. When it comes to a head cold, though, he is the biggest baby - and I say that with the most love and respect. About a year ago, I started making him drink Peppermint and Lemongrass when he gets a cold. And when he does drink it, he gets over the sickness much faster than he ever has! In fact, just last week he also had this same cold/sickness and I made him the Peppermint and Lemongrass for him. He told me, and this was all him 100%, that since I am writing this blog now, that I should take a picture of what he looks like when he wakes up in the morning before his cup of Peppermint and Lemongrass, looking ROUGH, and then take a picture of him after his cup, fully showered and dressed, face naturally brighter because he genuinely feels so much better! I decided to be nice enough not to post those pictures, just share his story. ;)
  • Morgan, of our Mesilla location, says, "We love drinking peppermint and lemongrass after a big dinner. The zingy taste of the peppermint is immediately followed by the smooth and citric flavor of the lemongrass, creating a super refreshing infusion. Plus the properties in both lemongrass and peppermint help speed and ease digestion so I can sleep comfortably."
  • Nenada, another one of our owners, says, "I love to drink our peppermint and lemongrass as my personal cure all. It's amazing for relieving all the aches and pains in my joints, helps with respiratory health, and is a great antiviral. I love to have a nice hot cup right before bed to help ensure a solid night of sleep as well as in the morning to alleviate my morning sickness."
  • One of our employees, Amber, says Peppermint and Lemongrass is her favorite blend. "My favorite tea blend is peppermint and lemongrass. You see if it wasn’t for this tea, I would probably be on multiple medications for endometriosis, scoliosis, high blood pressure and the list continues. So as you can tell, I got a lot of inflammation and before I found this tea blend I was constantly sick. My immune system was always under fire every 2-3 months lasting 10 or more days if I didn’t have antibiotics. Lemongrass has played a huge role in my life when it comes to my inflammation, my immune system, allergies, and headaches. Every time I’m feeling icky or even blue I drink 1-2 cups and sometimes even a pitcher if I’m feeling really bad, and I can see a difference within 20 mins. It takes the edge off of not being able to move off the couch because of pain. The peppermint side of it really eases my tummy and helps open up my sinuses, it also helps me with my anxiety. I truly feel that since drinking loose leaf every single day it truly has boosted my immune system, taken the edge off my pain, made me feel at peace, and most importantly like I’m getting a hug from inside. For added benefits and not really caring for artificial sweeteners I love pairing avocado honey with all tea blends I drink. Honey is magic for the soul, it’s antibacterial, anti microbial, also helps with inflammation and has loads of vitamins and minerals your body truly needs." 🌱

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