Our July 2019 Tea of the Month is Blood Orange blended with Lemongrass! And if you're familiar with OBTC and our teas, you may notice that we use Lemongrass a LOT! It is found in some of our single blends, such as Honeysuckle Blossom Oolong and Irish Pu Erh; and we blend it with other teas, like Blood Orange (July 2019 Tea of the Month), Blueberry and Peppermint!

Lemongrass grows in many tropical and subtropical areas! In fact, I have had many guests visiting our stores tell me that they have Lemongrass growing in their backyards or in their kitchens! When added to a tea blend, this caffeine-free herb gives the blend a light citrus taste and softens some of the bolder or bitter tastes the accompanying tea may have. Lemongrass also has SO many health benefits! Keep reading to learn why we love Lemongrass so much! 

Lemongrass is full of amazing health benefits! My personal favorite is it's anti-inflammatory properties! In February 2018, I broke my foot. It wasn't a major break, but it was very uncomfortable, I couldn't put any weight on my foot for a few weeks, and because blood circulation down to the foot isn't the greatest, I had a lot of swelling! The doctor prescribed me a  high dosage ibuprofen. I took a couple of them as prescribed, but I didn't notice much relief. So, knowing the health benefits associated with Lemongrass, I added it to all of the various teas I drink throughout the day!  And I honestly felt so much more relief from drinking Lemongrass throughout the day that what I did while taking the ibuprofen!

Bailey, one of the OBTC owners, works in a local high school as an ASL interpreter! To keep her immunity up and protect herself from all of the germs and viruses present in a school setting, Bailey is commonly seen with a large 32 oz cup or thermos of Peppermint & Lemongrass, Blood Orange & Lemongrass, or Blueberry & Lemongrass!

Lemongrass also:

  • Relieves menstrual pains
  • Great for digestion and stomach aches
  • Full of antioxidants
  • Regulates high blood pressure
  • Boosts metabolism and burns fat
  • Naturally great for skincare
  • Treats digestive tract spasms
  • Helps with achy joints and muscles
  • Prevents the growth of some bacteria and yeasts
  • May provide relief from fevers and the common cold

Comment below with your favorite Lemongrass blend and health benefit!👇

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