A Dose of PositiviTEA — White Tea RSS


Spring Favorite: Wild Strawberry White Tea Fruit-forward, floral undertones, & naturally sweet. 🍓🍓🍓 Wild Strawberry is on of our favorite springtime blends, as it is elegant, yet playful and sweet! The floral fruit notes blend beautifully with the refreshing and smooth taste of white tea. Wild Strawberry's ingredients not only create a lovely flavor, but are also rich in Vitamin C and folate, which promote healthy skin and immunity. White tea is packed with polyphenols, which have antioxidant benefits. They help reduce chronic inflammation by protecting the body against damage from free radicals. Too much free-radical damage can have harmful effects on the body, as it is linked to aging, chronic inflammation, a weakened immune system and a variety of...

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Composting Loose Leaf Tea adds nitrogen, moisture, and carbon to your heap In honor of celebrating the Earth and all she gives us.... this month we'd like to give a shout out to one of the most environmentally friendly things to do with your used tea leaves - compost them! Tea leaves are a great source of organic material to add to your compost pile, as tea leaves are rich in nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen! Decomposing tea leaves aids in moisture retention, weed suppression, and of course, nourishes plants. Not to mention - tea leaves are superfood for worms. And it's bulking season for them! When We Love The Earth, It Loves Us Back. Composting can remove 20-50% from your household...

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BERRY & CHAMOMILE kid friendly. fruity fresh. immune boosting. 🍓🌸💪 To celebrate the growth and beauty emerging around us, and to kick off the warmer months, we are showing our Berry & Chamomile blend some love this month!  This blend makes you want to go wild strawberry picking, plant herbs in a window box, and run through the sprinkler! The Berry tea has vibrant, tart, and fruity flavors that are refreshing and naturally sweet, while the Chamomile tea adds an element of honey and soft floral flavors. This is one of our most popular kid-friendly blends, as it is bright and easy to love. It is excellent to enjoy from the porch on warm afternoons or during a day working in the garden. This blend is packed...

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Lavender: The Calming Herb 🌿 reduces stress∙ promotes sleep ∙ reduces mild pain 🌿 The origin of lavender is believed to be from the Mediterranean, Middle East and India and is an aromatic member of the mint family. Lavender derives its name from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning ‘to wash”.  The Romans used lavender to scent their baths, beds, clothes and even hair. Lavender was also recognized for its antiseptic and healing qualities. The Ancient Greeks used lavender to fight insomnia and back aches, and today it is most recognized for its calming abilities and can be especially helpful for combatting stress and depression. ✨ We take our sleep and mental health seriously, so lavender is our go-to ingredient in many of our favorite teas! Lavender adds a sweet floral aroma and...

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🌸 Spring Cleaning 🌸 it's time to refresh, rejuvenate and recharge March is the first month of spring. Springtime prompts us to enjoy the fresh breezes, the warm sun and the new growth around us. Spring cleaning is often tackled during this month because there is a sense of new purpose that motivates us to elevate our own lives. Spring cleaning means more than cleaning your house; it can mean so much more! Get some inspo this season to cleanse not only your house, but your mind and your body as well. ⬇ Spring Cleaning: The House Having a clean space is important for your mental health; especially since we are staying home so much now!  Your home should be a sanctuary...

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