As we approach the weekend, the latter half of the day can leave us feeling more fatigued than fulfilled. Especially with stay-at-home orders still in effect in some states, we often find ourselves wondering how to glide into the evening feeling like we killed it at work... like we earned a fancy cocktail and a belly laugh... like we can peacefully put our work-minds on the bench and tag in our playfulness. Here are a few strategies to getting shit done and feeling great about your day. 👇

1. Hydrate

Chug a glass of water, make a pitcher of tea, and get ready to tackle your objectives energetically! Hydrating will improve blood flow to your brain, which will leave you feeling more energized, focused, and even boost your mood.

2. Make a realistic plan

Commit to accomplishing what you've outlined for today. Knowing what you should be working on is as important as knowing how to approach each task. Give yourself direction so that you can focus your energy on the most important objectives.

3. Move

If you can work on a task while walking, stretching, or even bouncing on a work out ball, do it! Like proper hydration, movement will get your blood flowing and help you function at maximum capacity. Movement in the afternoon is also a great strategy to combat the afternoon slump we experience after lunch.

Avoid taking breaks that do not feed your energy levels.  A common habit is to scroll on social media or choose distraction based breaks that actually leave you feeling more fatigued than refreshed.  Instead, plan meaningful breaks that will boost your energy.  

4. Take meaningful breaks

Avoid taking breaks that do not feed your energy levels. A common habit is to scroll on social media, or choose distraction based breaks that actually leave you feeling more fatigued than refreshed. Instead, plan meaningful breaks that will boost your energy.

Make time for an aroma therapy meditation break with Sweet Orange Essential Oil mid afternoon to boost your mood, combat anxiety, and give you a kick of energy. You can also dedicate a short break to soaking up sunshine or taking a power nap! The best thing you can do to enhance your productive energy is to avoid burn out by allowing for time for mental recovery.

5. Make peace with your day

At the end of your work day reflect on what you accomplished vs what is left to do. There is a lot of pressure to be and do more in modern times, and that can cause a lot of stress which causes inflammation - don't get burdened by this by internalizing the pressure. Be good, do good, and go easy on yourself. We work to live, we don't live to work!

Check out some of our afternoon favorites 👇

White Peach

Takeya Pitchers


Sweet Orange

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