- Purifying the blood, kidneys, and liver
- Lowering high blood pressure
- Diabetes regulation
What is it about this tea, though, that helps us achieve such a cleanse/detox? It’s the blend! Let’s dive a little deeper into how each ingredient helps detoxify our bodies.
- Milk thistle: Silymarin is the main active ingredient in milk thistle. Silymarin is both an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Milk thistle is sometimes used as a natural treatment for liver problems. These liver problems include cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, and gallbladder disorders. It may help lower cholesterol levels. Medical research does suggest that milk thistle, combined with traditional treatment, can improve diabetes. Studies have shown a decrease in blood sugar levels and an improvement in cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes.
- Burdock: Burdock is an herb that is naturally sweet and known to contain chemicals that might have activity against bacteria and inflammation. Burdock is known to help increase urine flow, kill germs, reduce fever, and “purify” blood. It is an immune system booster. Burdock is also used for high blood pressure, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis), and liver disease. Some people use burdock to increase sex drive. Burdock can be applied topically to treat acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
- Green Rooibos tea: Rooibos is a root from South Africa! We love Rooibos, and carry several flavors! Read all about the health benefits of Rooibos in our Rooibos Tea blog post!
- Cinnamon bark: Cinnamon bark is used for gastrointestinal (GI) upset, diarrhea, and gas. It is also used for stimulating appetite, for treating infections caused by bacteria and parasitic worms, for menstrual cramps, the common cold, and the flu (influenza).
- Peppermint leaves: Peppermint is an herb that has many digestive tract benefits. It also relieves nausea, stress, headaches, inflammation and helps with bad breath.
- Dandelion root: Dandelion root is used for loss of appetite, upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, and bruises. Dandelion is also used to increase urine production and as a laxative to increase bowel movements. It is used as skin toner, blood tonic, and digestive tonic.
- Lemon balm: Sometimes called the “gladdening herb” because it uplifts your mood. It also helps treat tension and anxiety-type headaches. It promotes a calming and relaxing feeling and is a mild sedative as well. It also relaxes the stomach and intestinal spasms.
- Axe, Josh. "13 Major Cinnamon Benefits Explain Why It's The WOrld's No. 1 Spice." Dr. Axe: Food is Medicine, Dr. Axe, 1 September 2018, https://draxe.com/health-benefits-cinnamon/.
- Mercola, Joseph. "Magnificent Milk Thistle." Mercola: Take Control of Your Health, Dr. Joseph Mercola, 14 September 2015, https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/09/14/milk-thistle-benefits.aspx.
- Villines, Zawn. "What to know about burdock root." Medical News Today, Healthline Media UK Ltd., 16 November 2017, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320035.php.
- Wong, Cathy. "The Health Benefits of Dandelion Root." Very Weill Health, About, Inc, (DotDash), 29 November 2018, https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-benefits-of-dandelion-root-89103
- Wong, Cathy. "The Many Uses for Lemon Balm." Very Weill Health, About, Inc, (DotDash), 3 December 2018, https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-health-benefits-of-lemon-balm-89388.
This was one of my favorite teas from this company. This was my starter tea that mad me fall in love with the company (among other things) but this tea it wonder and y’all need to bring it back please and thank you. Im so sad that I’m low and savoring the last that I do have.
I was trying to order the cleaning tea and the Tommy, but I couldn’t find it as I usually order it.
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