HELLO 2021 💛

Happy New Year's Eve Friends!


Everyone say it with us:

"2021 is going to be an amazing year!"

The trick is to will it, right?

2020 has been a whirlwind! If it was hard on you, you're not alone, and we are sending love in your direction. Our strategy for staying sane in the craziest year we've ever seen was to focus on what we could control and to find the silver lining. Here is what that looked like for us…

1. We were lucky enough to be able to make renovations and focus on improvement projects while we were closed.

2. We worked on improving our systems and products.

3. We tried to make our teams feel loved and shared positivity with our customers whenever we could.

On a more personal note, we also experienced some other blessings in disguise...

1. We spent a lot more time playing outside with our pets! 2020 may have been less fun for humans... but not for our furry friends!

2. We spent a lot of time at home together learning new recipes and playing cards. In a year with no travel, we had to bring vacation into our homes.

3. We learned how important supporting small business is. We watched some good ones struggle and learned that it was up to us to choose local over convenience (sorry Jeff Bezos).

This year we realized how lucky we are to have the customers we have, because in spite of the uncertainty, we were shown a lot of love and support.

So we want to say thank you…

If you called in an order to your local OBTC for curbside pick up during closures - thank you.

If you came into the shop to see us (you know how much we missed seeing your faces) - thank you.

If you placed an online order with us, instead of a company that can offer two day shipping - thank you.

If you sent a nice message to Maggie, OBTC's sweetheart, who handles our online customer correspondence - thank you.

If you tagged us online, told a friend about us, or shared our tea with people you love - thank you.

We are diving into 2021 with our rosiest glasses and with love in our hearts!

This year we hope you all feel loved, at peace, and optimistic for a bright future. We hope you keep your compassion and radiate joy so that others look at you and want to emulate it. We hope you feel healthy and joyful, and we are going to do our best to feel the same.

In 2021 we plan to eat more veggies, read more books, rescue animals, be kind to strangers, be patient with our loved ones, shop local, and, of course, drink more tea

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