Need a mental boost?
Try these tea blends ⬇
When you drink matcha, you are consuming the full tea leaf and all of the leaf's nutrients! Matcha (and all green tea) contains L-theanine, an amino acid that is incredible for your brain health. Try matcha iced with a tad of honey and lemon to promote neurological health.
Peppermint naturally improves focus, making this blend a great memory booster and study buddy. This blend also calms the mind and boosts immunity. Try this refreshing blend iced or hot to boost your brain power. It is naturally caffeine free so you can even enjoy this blend as your bedtime brew.
Peppermint & Lemongrass
Yerba Maté, one of the main ingredients in this blend, is commonly consumed to stimulate conversation and creative thought. This blend boosts mental alertness and energy. Drink this tea iced to get a physical and mental boost (or to power your workout).
Crisp Apple Pu Erh

Brew tools to get you through a busy week


Bamboo Mason Jar Lid

Bamboo Mason Jar Lid

Flash Chill Iced Tea Maker

Flash Chill Iced Tea Maker

Paper Filters

Paper Filters

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