New Mexican Harvest:
Quiche Recipe

Make it a cozy kind of Sunday with a veggie dense breakfast and a decadent cup of tea!

Check out this recipe. ⬇︎


1. In a food processor, combine 1.5 cups flour with a pinch of salt and a pinch of Hatch Red Chile Powder.

2. Add 10 tablespoons of butter (cubed) and pulse until blended evenly.

3. Whisk 1 egg with 2 to 3 tablespoons of ice cold water and add to the food processor. Pulse until a dough forms. If necessary, add more ice cold water to create a soft doughy consistency.

4. Press dough evenly into an 8 to 10 inch diameter pie pan.

5. Put pan with crust in the freezer for 30 minutes.


1. Preheat oven to 350℉.

2. Chop vegetables: we used 1 zucchini, 2 ears of corn, 1/2 onion, 5 cloves of garlic, and 1 cup of fresh Hatch green chile.

3. Sautée all veggies in Avocado oil until tender.

4. In a large bowl, whisk 4-5 eggs with a splash of milk. 

5. Add New Mexico All Purpose Seasoning, a generous amount of black pepper, feta cheese, and your sautéed veggies. Mix until evenly blended with egg mixture.

6. Pour filling into pie crust and bake until just set.

Optional: Serve with herbed potatoes and a green salad.

Pair with this classic New Mexico inspired dessert tea… 

Apple Empanada


honeybush tea, apple pieces, cinnamon chips, and natural flavors


crisp apple ∙ pastry sweetness ∙ subtle cinnamon spice

This blend is inspired by the classic New Mexican pastry: the empanada! It is the perfect dessert-like blend for colder weather and is a great overall wellness booster.

Create a cozy feeling.

1. Start a fire or light candles - fire is a natural human comfort! Watching the flicker of flame can put us into a meditative mental state and help us to unwind.

 2. Cozy up with a good book. Read something that inspires you and will put you into the right mindset to have a loving and healthy week!

3. Layer up in a chunky sweater, fuzzy socks and stretch! Getting your circulation going will make you feel more relaxed, and will warm your feet and hands, which are more prone to feel cold this time of year!

4. Don't forget to say hi to the sun. It is cooling down but you still need your daily dose of vitamin D. Spend some time today soaking up the sun's warming rays - it is an immediate natural mood booster!

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