A Dose of PositiviTEA — Honey RSS


DIY Mother's Day Gifts HONEY MATCHA FACE MASK Combine the following: 3 PARTS RAW & UNFILTERED HONEY  2 PARTS COCONUT OIL 1 PART MATCHA A GENEROUS AMOUNT OF LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL This combination leaves your skin feeling clean and hydrated. Honey nourishes the skin with vitamins and minerals, and helps to regenerate skin cells. It is great for aging skin, but is also antibacterial and can help combat acne. Antioxidant rich Matcha helps to keep the skin looking youthful, even-toned, and glow-y. Coconut oil promotes elasticity and collagen production as it is rich in vitamins, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Lavender Essential Oil is soothing for a variety of skin conditions but also promotes relaxation, making it a lovely part of a home spa session. OLIVE OIL &...

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CINNAMON & GINGER COUGH SYRUP IT'S PRETTY EASY…1. Steep 1 Tbsp of GINGER and 1 tsp of cinnamon in a half cup of water2. Mix 3 Tbsp of AVOCADO HONEY​ into the mixture3. Strain out ginger pieces (optional) and pour into a glass jar4. Keep refrigerated NATURE'S MEDICINEHoney has long been used as a natural remedy for colds and coughs. It is a great immune system booster and soothing to a sore throat. Immunity is not just something we should think about when we're sick though - strong immunity protects us from a wide variety of ailments and diseases.  Immunity even plays an important role in helping our body resist seasonal allergies, which is why raw honey is consumed to combat the dreaded hay fever - not necessarily because...

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TUESDAY NIGHT TEA COCKTAIL FEATURING: G I N G E R The Ginger Toddy IT'S PRETTY SIMPLE...1. Steep GINGER TEA with a generous spoonful of AVOCADO HONEY.2. Add fresh squeezed lemon and a shot of your favorite whiskey- we used 291 Barrel Proof Bourbon Whiskey from DISTILLERY 291​.3. Garnish with a lemon wheel and fresh ginger or herbs from your garden. WHY WE LOVE THIS COMBOThe Hot Toddy is the most classic of tea cocktails and this one is extra bright and spicy!  The AVOCADO HONEY compliments the combination of GINGER​ and whiskey perfectly as it rounds out the flavor with sweetness while adding complexity with its earthy and vegetal undertones. Happy Tuesday! We hope you are winding down with the type of conversations that leave you feeling...

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HONEY, CITRUS, FETA AND… B E E T S OUR RECIPE 1. Melt a heaping spoonful of MESQUITE HONEY, 2 Tbsp of coconut oil, 2 Tbsp of citrus juice (we used clementines) in a pan with 1 Tsp of DRIED GINGER.2. Toss cooked beets in the sauce pan with salt and pepper.3. Top with walnuts and feta cheese - we love the feta from NOISY WATER WINERY!​ Are you participating in the honey challenge? This recipe is a great way to get your daily spoonful of raw honey! Raw and unfiltered honey boosts immunity, reduces risk of disease, and boosts overall wellness.​If you're a fan of sweet and salty combos, you'll love this vibrant dish! It is wonderful served alone or as a beet bruschetta on a...

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OUR MINDS ARE BLOWN... HOW HONEY COMBATS CANCER...   AP·OP·TO·SISApoptosis is cellular death which is necessary for an organism's growth. What happens when apoptosis does not occur? Cells proliferate unnaturally and unhealthily, forming a tumor. Cancer treatments are geared towards inducing apoptosis of cancerous cells.  Recent studies have shown that honey causes apoptosis in various types of cancer... Wow. INfLAMMATIONChronic inflammation is linked to cancer growth. Phenolic compounds in honey express an anti-inflammatory response in the body. Inflammation is actually the root cause of many common ailments, including many of our daily aches and pains!IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITYA strong immune system is crucial for disease prevention. While cancer cells regularly occur in the body and are handled by the immune system on a daily basis, a weakened immune system could result...

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