Happy Father's Day Dad.


Our awesome dads and what they taught us:

My dad taught me the value of hard work and paying your dues. In order to be successful and valued in the workplace, it is important to learn every aspect of a business from the bottom up. It teaches us an understanding of a variety of situations, and makes us better leaders. (He also taught me the importance of being goofy, and being able to laugh at myself when I do something dumb). 😂

- Heather -

My dad has always taught me to work hard at everything I do, and to always remind yourself that you are a badass, and that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

- Tara -

🌻 I couldn’t have asked for a better grandpa. He was the best father-figure to me. After he passed away, I found out that he used to wait for me outside of high school dances to make sure I didn’t suddenly need him. He taught me to laugh at life, be inappropriate and be comfortable being myself. He was hilarious, stubborn and always spoke his mind. I miss him so much. His humor and all the love he gave me will always be in my heart.

Te amo mucho mi Yeyo hermoso. Un día nos volveremos a ver y a reír.

- Paola -

This Father's Day I am celebrating these two amazing dads, my sons! I’m so proud of what great dads they are to the little humans that call me “Nilla”. Seeing them with their kiddos makes my heart happy. 💛

- Dana -

My dad’s secret super power is his ability to create. He has always found joy in home projects and building, and it wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized his cleverness and ability to make things more beautiful was unique to him. Without using words, he taught me that the work we choose outside of our day jobs, indulges our curiosity, and feeds our souls.  

- Bailey -

☀️ sweet summertime iced tea blends ☀️

Honeysuckle Blossom Oolong

Summerville Sweet Tea

Mango Paradise

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