Happy Gal Pal Day
💞 Getting Vulnerable with the Girls 💞
Galentine's Day simply celebrates the love that exists among girlfriends - the special bond that gal pals share and female empowerment. This holiday represents something special to the OBTC team, as our company is female-owned and operated. The foundation of our businesses' success rests in our sisterhood camaraderie, and we take great pride in that!
To celebrate our sisterhood, we are practicing getting vulnerable with each other this month. We asked our pals some juicy questions and ended up with some awkward, yet valuable life advice.
  1. When is the last time you lost your cool? What happened?
  2. Imagine you have one day left in life. What do you regret not doing?
  3. What is one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?
  4. What is your guilty pleasure that you’re currently justifying to yourself?
  5. What is one trait you look for that tells you someone is compatible with you?

Watch their interviews  on TikTok or Insta!

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