Enchanted Lavender Earl Grey
Enchanted Lavender Earl Grey
Enchanted Lavender Earl Grey

Enchanted Lavender Earl Grey

Regular price $16.00
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black tea, lavender flowers, orange peels, blue cornflowers, and natural flavors


floral ∙ creamy ∙ bergamot citrus


  • get antioxidants
  • protect the heart
  • promote healthy digestion
  • boost immunity
  • support weight management
  • get an energy boost
  • soothe anxiety


This blend is a classic made even more lovely with the addition of lavender and creamy undertones! It is energizing, an immunity booster, and is rich in antioxidants.




Enjoy served hot with a spoonful of honey and a dash of cream!


1 - 2 teaspoons in 8 oz of hot water for 3 - 5 minutes

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Kim Schalk
Like a creamy earl grey embrace!

I tried this several months ago and I'm back for more. Even without adding a bit of milk or cream, it has a creamy taste. Absolutely LOVE it!

Jayford E.
No Caffeine Listed on Label in Milligrams

Consuming this tea caused severe anxiety for a period of hours. I like tea more concentrated and I guess drinking it this way made it like a shot of espresso. But There was no way for me to verify that since the milligram content for the caffeine is not listed on this tea's packaging. I only came to the website to check said milligrams. Again, no information. Advertising this tea as an anxiety relief while in a black tea with unlisted caffeine content is misleading and actually prevents your product from working as advertised. Consumers would like to be conscious of this information. Do better.

Kendra DeBruler
My favorite!!

This tea is special. I like it plain or with honey and cream. It is smooth and it is like drinking a hug!

Terri Burson
Sense & Sensibility Vibes!

Alright tea lovers I'm tearing myself away from the Mexican Hot Chocolate tea from Old Barrel Tea Company , long enough to take the Enchanted Lavender Earl Grey tea for a spin. I'm getting Sense and Sensibility vibes from the English countryside, strolling through the meadows with my trusty steed by my side (his name is Jasper ) and waiting on Hugh Grant to finally declare his love. Speaking of meadows, this spicy, bold and creamy tea also includes blue cornflowers and orange peel in the ingredient list. It smells absolutely amazing. My steep time was 5 min with a 1 Tbsp/10 oz water ratio. A dash of raw cane sugar and cream complete this aromatic and delicious brew. This is also a high caffeine black tea, just like I like it. Absolutely delicious. Got to go, Hugh is coming up the cobblestone path as we speak!

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